The Target Putting Ebook - A Review

I am starting to see a lot of buzz on the internet about Target Putting. I have even seen forum posts that have mentioned it, but the discussions were apparently lead by people who have never read the book and doesn't understand what it really says.

Target putting doesn't involve looking at the hole as was apparently thought. That is suggested as a drill by some and has been for a long time. Looking at the hole makes even less sense than what you are doing now.

I have read the book, and here is my take on it. It is very quick to read. About twenty minutes or so for the whole thing. If you want complicated putting instruction and a lot of pictures, this book is not for you.

It starts by flat out saying that the entire world putts wrong. That's kind of a wild claim to be making, but if his way is right then they do. Somebody had to figure out the world was round.

He then goes on to give you a couple of setup related putting tips on lining up the ball, as well as the correct head position. Well, maybe not the correct head position, but the one skateboarding tips finds best for his game. Almost everybody has this wrong and I was no exception.

He continues by explaining what he believes is the cause of the yips and other short putting problems. He has coined the term "impact reflex" to skateboarding tips it and explains how it works.

Finally, he tells what you should be doing on shorter putts. He uses the game of pool to illustrate how the way all golfers are taught to putt is limiting on their potential. As he puts it, the only target game that doesn't use the method he describes is short putting in golf.

Whether or not Target Putting works for you is any body's guess. What he says is different, but it makes sense. I use it and it works for me.

Learn more about Target Putting

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