The 360 Flip Skateboarding Trick

If you love skateboarding then you would probably love to be able to do some of the tricks that the pro's do. Here is one of skateboard favorite trick, the 360 Flip:

This trick is sure to impress your skateboard once you get the hang of it.

Ok, so when you slam your back foot on the board, you know just like when you do an Ollie, hit it extra hard so that you can flip it. At the same time you need to allow your front foot to slide off the board and use your toes to flip it that way as well.

It is easy to stuff up and fall so be really careful when you're doing this trick especially when you are just learning it. Once you get the hang of the flip then you need to learn to catch the board with your feet and center it again.

With any skateboard trick do not forget to bend your knees because it will help you absorb the shock of the landing and lessen your chance of any injury. It might be easier to learn your tricks while your board is stationary to begin with. It can help at first too to have your board on grass or a surface that will prevent it from rolling while you are learning the trick. Then once you get the hang of it you can try it while the board is moving.

Keep practicing and you will soon be a master of the 360 flip skateboarding trick and the envy of all your friends.

Corey Polomka is a big skateboarding fan. Visit his blog at to find out more about skateboarding.

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