Learn to Snowboard - Online Lessons by a Professional Coach

Snowboarding has increased in population worldwide for skateboarding tips past several years. Every year thousands of people try snowboarding for the time. Many of these first timers decide to stick with skateboarding tips continue their passion for the board.

I started out snowboarding a couple of years ago after being an avid skier for 24 years. There was something about the sport that intrigued me about it. I would constantly see these young kids taking the slope on these boards wondering what the thrill was all about. So I decided to give it a go. I have to say that the first few outing I spent 99% of the time with my bottom on the snow. It was really tough to get the hang of even with skateboarding experience under my belt.

After the first few tries I decided to get lessons from a local trainer. I have to say that these lessons although extremely expensive do build the basic foundation to allow you to grow within the sport. Lessons are essential for those who are first starting or for even those who want to improve their game. After the first couple of personal lessons I decided to search around the internet to find tips as these personal lessons were getting to be a bit expensive and at that point I wanted to elevate my skills to point of doing some basic tricks.

After a few websites provided some good information I came across a website that claimed they would provide secrets and formulas to increasing your skill level and learning the tricks that the professionals use. At that same time they offered a money back guarantee so at least I had that to fall back on in case it was a scam. The founder and owner of the website is a professional trainer in Canada (Matt Belair) so I at least felt I would be getting something with some quality to it.

Anyway, moving on, I have to say that at first I was disappointed. There was a lot of information and a lot of direction that I had to put forth on the slopes and off the slopes. I almost gave up after using the system for a short period of time. Instead of fighting to get my money back I decided to really give it a go. I soon realized that if I wanted to gain the knowledge and the skills needed to elevate myself to the next level I really did need to follow the formula and commit myself to the training program. This is where it all had changed for me. The system is truly amazing if you stick to it and commit yourself. Matt provides very easy techniques to learn all the top tricks. As a result of his formulas you really do learn them fast and correct the first time instead of constant trial and error.

Matt has 3 basic rules to his training:

Focused Training:

This is really meant to represent the fundamentals of the tricks. This is where he provides written and verbal communication on the trick, having the rider practice on dry land and on snow.

Physical Training:

This is really what deterred me originally, having to physically prepare myself and my body for the tricks. Like I said above you have to commit yourself if you really want to become a good snowboarder. This physical training is really a key aspect of the overall program.

Mental Training:

Matt really focuses on the mental aspect of training. If you ever get lessons privately or through other sources there really is not much focus on preparing yourself mentally. For those who have become good at anything you know that a large part of the skill comes from mental preparation. The formulas and lessons learned in this program focus a lot on the mental aspect, which I believe is what got me so good so quickly.

Again, if you are not willing to follow the training and commit yourself I would not bother looking into this as you do need to have some dedication. If you do want to improve yourself and learn the tricks and skills that you see so many folks on the hill have this is the best place by far that I have seen provide the training.

For more information please visit http://www.thesnowboardingacademy.com

The Snowboarding Academy

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