What Are Some Basic Skateboarding Tricks to Try?

Learning a variety of tricks skateboard can perform on your skateboard is fun. It can also be a challenge though. There are some basic tricks you will want to familiarize yourself with first. skateboard will boost your confidence level and then you can move on to some more advanced ones. Make sure you follow the directions too when you learn new skateboarding tricks. That way you can accomplish them without getting hurt.

The ollie is one of the most common skateboarding tricks out there. It is also one that you should be able to master in a short period of time. You can do this with one foot either at the tail or at the middle. Most people will tell you that it is easier to learn though with a foot at the back. You want to build up pressure with your front foot and then jump as high as you can with the back foot. The goal is to get it as high in the air as you can.

Once you have learned the ollie you can use some of that information to perform what is known as the kickflip. You want your back foot on the tail and the front one in the middle but slightly forward and to the left side. With a quick movement you want to pop the tail and move your front foot up. As the board is coming back down you want to jump as high as you can. You want to work on landing with both feet back on the board at the same time.

A kickturn is a cool trick and it is really much easier than it looks when someone performs it. The goal is to balance on the back wheels of the skateboard. At the same time you are going to swing the front of the skateboard so it will point in a new direction. The more you practice this trick the faster you will become at the movement. The best way to learn is to practice from a still position. Then you will want to learn how to kickturn as you are moving as well.

You will find that there is quite a combination of different moves out there you can try. Many of them can be joined together to create your own moves and tricks. You will find that each skater has their own sense of style. That is what you should be aiming for. While you are mastering these basic tricks, you also want to focus on what feels comfortable for you. If a variation is safe and it feels better to you then go with it.

Don't force yourself to complete any tricks you aren't ready to perform either. Sometimes peer pressure can get the best of someone when it comes to skateboarding. If you decide to register to take part in various trick competitions, make sure you sign up at the right level for your skills. You need to focus on having a good time and keeping yourself safe above all else.

You can watch other people performing basic skateboarding tricks. Then you can try to copy them on your own. If you are struggling see if you can get someone to help you. They can show you what you are doing wrong and then can even video tape your movements for you to see for yourself. You can also watch videos on the computer that will show you each action in slow motion. Take some initiative to try these different tricks and you will find you love spending time on your skateboard even more than you do right now.

If you want to buy a skateboard, there are two types you can choose. Complete skateboards and customize skateboards. Complete skateboards are constructed by manufacturer. All parts of skateboard are the same brand. It is a good choice for starter. Many skaters have a long skateboarding experience often like customize skateboards by themselves and have fun in it. Some of the pro skaters also choose pro complete skateboards from their favourite brands.

Why is the Coverage of Skateboarding Often Negative?

Think about what you hear about skateboarding in the media and you will realize that most of it is negative in nature. This is a trend that really needs to stop because it doesn't show the whole picture of what is really taking place out there concerning it. In fact, the media can put a twist on it to indicate that skateboarding is linked to violence. Let's take a look at a few of those stories they have covered.

In October of 2008 a teenage boy was brutally murdered in queens. It was discovered by police a few days later that another teenager had done it. The two boys had been fighting over a skateboard and that led to the death. The focus of this story should have been the death of the young man and even youth violence. Yet the focus that many reports took was that it involved too boys that were labeled as skateboarders.

Now, when is the last time you saw a news story that covered young men and women having a good time practicing on their skateboards? Where are the pictures of them working with each other to learn more and to help improve skills? Where are the stories on kids that have taught themselves to perform some of the very complex tricks of the professionals? Sadly, if you want them you will have to find skateboarding specific magazines and websites.

Speaking of professionals, they often don't get great media coverage either. They are part of sports events all over the world, but there is very little live coverage of them. Unless you turn to skating oriented magazines and websites you may not even skateboard about most of the events that take place, let alone the results of them. Make sure you tune into these types of resources if you are into skateboarding as they are more valuable than you might think.

However, let one of the professional skateboarders get injured during an event or practice and it is on every news site out there. Along with it is the sensationalism about skateboarding being too skateboard and that they are risking it all to take on more complex moves. These types of introductions are often followed by statistics about injuries in the sport. Yet they fail to show the entire picture as they don't talk about how many people get out there on a skateboard daily and don't get injured.

It is important that you let your views about this type of coverage relating to skateboarding be known. When you see such negative stories offered on TV or online, take the time to contact those entities and tell them how you feel. Offer them some topics that are more positive for them to cover relating to the sport as well. If enough people take the time to do this, they will have to come to the realistic conclusion that there is so much about skateboarding that they aren't seeing.

As they begin to cover more of the positive elements of skateboarding, it can change the image that many in society have about it. That is important because those that take part in it have had a bad reputation based on stereotyping for too long. Removing those problematic views can help people to see this sport for what it really is. This is one that requires skill and dedication. There are some amazing people that take part in skateboarding and they deserve some positive support for all of their effort. If you don't speak up though those types of negative coverage are going to continue being the norm.

If you are a fan of customizing skateboards, plan b decks are able to be your best choice. The reasons are that it's not only offer you the best quality to make you skateboards last long time, but also offer you a reasonable price. As a big brand, plan b becomes more and more popular in skateboarding world.

More Girls That Ever Before Are Taking Part in Skateboarding

In the past, girls that took part in skateboarding were considered to be Tom Boys. However, this particular sport has taken on a new light with girls, especially those from about 10 to 14 years of age. The fact that society is now more accepting of girls taking part in such activities certainly helps. Many families have several boys too which means their sisters have grown up around skateboarding and often find it to be interesting.

While many girls are comfortable skateboarding with male siblings or friends, others aren't. They feel that they are left out or that there is just too much to prove among the males. This is why you will often skateboard groups of girls skateboarding together. They can encourage each other and help with building self confidence. In many regards, girls are more coordinated at this age and they are more patient. Therefore skateboarding can come easier for them to pick up than it might for males in their same age group.

There is support to be found in many forms too for girls interested in skateboarding. There are websites and even magazines dedicated to answering their questions and providing them with information. Such products are evidence that there are plenty of people out there that love the idea of girls getting involved. Even many of the male professional skateboarders have made comments about it. They often offer interviews and tips for females as well to encourage them to take part in it.

While the industry of skateboards and accessories is still mainly geared towards males, there is more of a selection for girls than before. The fact that anyone can have a skateboard custom made for them or they can buy the pieces and make it on their own gives them more options as well. Don't underestimate the skills that some of these girls develop when it comes to skateboarding as their speed and their ability to perform tricks just might blow you away.

However, there are complete lines of skateboards, accessories, and even safety gear that is developed specifically for girls. There are also more camps for these girls to meet each other and even competitions that are only open to girls. The fact that more of them are being able to take part in the sport of skateboarding means that it is continuing to grow in new directions.

The producers of such products are starting to see that they have shut out a great source of sales for too long. They had been forcing those girls interested in skateboarding to buy products that were made with males in mind. By taking a second look though and offering new products, they have found their sales increasing and girls becoming very happy with the selection out there.

If you find that your selection of such items are limited locally, make sure you go online. There are some companies out there that only make skateboards and gear for girls. There is no shortage of selection for great prices online. You may not have skateboard idea of just how many great items exist until you start looking for them.

Any girl that is interested in skateboarding should look into it further and find out if it is for them. Too many of them though are still intimidated by the male dominance of the sport. Finding the right way to learn and taking the time to find the right skateboarding equipment though is a great way to get started. Don't be held back by the norms of society but instead follow your passion to be a part of skateboarding.

If you are a fan of loaded dervish skateboard, you can visit Skateboardspro.com. There are many brands of skateboards with good prices out there.

Bam Margera - Pro Skateboarder

Bam Margera is definitely one of the most interesting people out there today! Bam Margera was born on September 28, 1979. Throughout skateboard life, one of his main priorities has been skateboarding. Since 1988, you could find him skateboarding around his hometown of West Chester, Pa, which definitely paid off when he was given the chance to turn pro. This pro skateboarder is now sponsored by Element, Adio, Volcom, Diakka, Electric, Fairmans, Spitfire, Destroyer, Jones Soda, and of course, Cky. You can even skate skateboard him in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 & 4, as well as Tony Hawk's Underground.

Bam Margeras career as a professional really started to take off when he became part of MTV's JACKASS crew. On JACKASS, you could see him do unimaginable yet hilarious and sometimes nasty stunts, with stars such as Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, as well as his friends and often, his family. After JACKASS's huge success, MTV gave Bam Margera the once in a lifetime opportunity to have his own show on MTV, called Viva La Bam.

Bam Margera has come one hell of a long way this past decade, and by the way he draws fans to him through his one of a kind personality and his amazing skating ability. It's guaranteed that this pro skateboarder will be around for a very long time!

Full name: Brandon Cole Margera.

Hobbies: skateboarding, filming and acting.

Favourite food: toasted everything, bagel with mayo, lettuce, and tomato.

Favourite movies: Mallrats, Good will hunting, Lost boys, and Robin Hood Men in tights.

Favourite music: HIM, Cky, Depeche mode, Anethema, and Atrocity.

Favourite skaters: Boulala, Penny, Maldonado, Getz, Sarri, and Hoof.

Likes: S4 and A4, Hoofs gear, and fdr park.

Hates: the airport scenario and tod swank.

His fashion tip: Rock tight black gear, but spray paint a mist of white so it looks dirty.

The funniest thing he ever heard: in a hotel room while brushing my teeth, Ryan gee told me 'brushing your teeth is played out'.

Copyright - B. Knudsen

B. Knudsen is a webmaster of the ultimate skateboarding site, which gives you access to over 20 links to different skateboarding sites.

More Girls That Ever Before Are Taking Part in Skateboarding

In the past, girls that took part in skateboarding were considered to be Tom Boys. However, this particular sport has taken on a new light with girls, especially those from about 10 to 14 years of age. The fact that society is now more accepting of girls taking part in such activities certainly helps. Many families have several boys too which means their sisters have grown up around skateboarding and often find it to be interesting.

While many girls are comfortable skateboarding with male siblings or friends, others aren't. They feel that they are left out or that there is just too much to prove among the males. This is why you will often see groups of girls skateboarding together. They can encourage each other and help with building self confidence. In many regards, girls are more coordinated at this age and they are more patient. Therefore skateboarding can come easier for them to pick up than it might for males in their same age group.

There is support to be found in many forms too for girls interested in skateboarding. There are websites and even magazines dedicated to answering their questions and providing them with information. Such products are evidence that there are plenty of people out there that love the idea of girls getting involved. Even many of the male professional skateboarders have made comments about it. They often offer interviews and tips for females as well to encourage them to take part in it.

While the industry of skateboards and accessories is still mainly geared towards males, there is more of a selection for girls than before. The fact that anyone can have a skateboard custom made for them or they can buy the pieces and make it on their own gives them more options as well. Don't underestimate the skills that some of these girls develop when it comes to skateboarding as their speed and their ability to perform tricks just might blow you away.

However, there are complete lines of skateboards, accessories, and even safety gear that is developed specifically for girls. There are also more camps for these girls to meet each other and even competitions that are skateboard open to girls. The fact that more of them are being able to take part in the sport of skateboarding means that it is continuing to grow in new directions.

The producers of such products are starting to see that they have shut out a great source of sales for too long. They had been forcing those girls interested in skateboarding to buy products that were made with males in mind. By taking a second look though and offering new products, they have found their sales increasing and girls becoming very skateboard with the selection out there.

If you find that your selection of such items are limited locally, make sure you go online. There are some companies out there that only make skateboards and gear for girls. There is no shortage of selection for great prices online. You may not have any idea of just how many great items exist until you start looking for them.

Any girl that is interested in skateboarding should look into it further and find out if it is for them. Too many of them though are still intimidated by the male dominance of the sport. Finding the right way to learn and taking the time to find the right skateboarding equipment though is a great way to get started. Don't be held back by the norms of society but instead follow your passion to be a part of skateboarding.

If you are a fan of loaded dervish skateboard, you can visit Skateboardspro.com. There are many brands of skateboards with good prices out there.

Skateboarding - How to Heel Flip

OK, so you have ollies and kick flips down solid it's now time to progress on to something a bit more challenging. The Heel flip. Here's how you do one: Pop skateboard tail, kick your foot out, catch it and ride away...yeah right. Unfortunately this is how most Heel flip tips out there go. Not here. Here I'm going to break it down and give you in depth tips on how to pull this trick skateboard correctly and with style. Ready?...here we go.

Moment of Zen before you try any new skateboarding trick I have always found its a great idea to visualize it clearly in your mind how the trick will look. Do this before you do the heel flip and even during it. Maybe imagine a heel flip from one of your favorite skate videos or one of your favorite pros pulling it off. This visualization really really works. So much like a kick flip uses the toe and kicks off at a slightly less then 180 degree angle, the heel flip is the same but you use your heel and you are kicking in the opposite direction. Do not kick straight out to the side and do not kick right out in front...make it in between the two. Get rolling with a little speed and give your board a good pop. When kicking your front foot out make sure to twist your foot and ankle to the side a bit...similar to how you slide your foot up the board somewhat sideways for an ollie the same is done for a heel flip. Only you kick out at an angle and completely off the board.

Airwalk it! Most people are paying so much attention to what their front foot is doing during this tricks they pretty much don't think about the back. Well here's another tried and true secret I've found when doing these. Kick your back foot out the opposite direction to the front foot. So essentially you are doing almost a scissor kick in the air or an "airwalk" visualize your legs doing this as you begin to kick. Don't just jump straight up and kick...that wont do it. You need to kick your back leg somewhat in the opposite direction.You don't have to over do it or kick out big time like with the front foot...just a little movement with the back foot will do it.This method has always worked for me and keeps my heel flips looking big, clean and stylish.

Ride away clean Catch your board in the air and land solid. OK the ending sounds too simple but, if you follow the above tips it is that simple.

In conclusion be sure to think about how awesome the trick will look in your mind and really see yourself pulling it off. Slide your front foot off the board at an angle while popping off the ground and kick your back foot in the opposite direction slightly.

I hope this helps you and happy skating!

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and writes about skate shoes including Ipath skate shoes and Globe shoes.

Cornwall Event Guide - Things to Do in Cornwall

If you are partial to the odd festival or two, then Cornwall is definitely the destination for you. From traditional fairs to all out rock fests, there is something to amuse everyone here, all set in some of the UKs most memorable and stunning landscapes. No matter where you live, getting here is a cinch with regular flights landing at Newquay Airport and no more then an hours drive to most destinations with in the county. Cheap flights to Newquay are available from the majority of main airports including Bristol Airport, Cardiff Airport, Edinburgh Airport, Gatwick Airport, skateboard Airport and Leeds Airport to name but a few.

While transportation in Cornwall is fairly good, it is advisable to organise car hire at Newquay Airport as there is so much to see that is off the beaten track. The two Newquay Airport car hire companies situated just outside the terminal are Europcar and Hertz. Alternative means of getting to accommodation include Newquay Airport transfers, where a driver meets you in Newquay Airport arrivals, the Newquay Airport taxis or buses, which run roughly ever half an hour and take about 25 minutes to get to Newquay town centre.

Unsurprisingly, many of the biggest events in the region revolve around the sun, sea and sand. This starts in May with the now legendary Run to the Sun which provides revellers with a manic way to enjoy the Cornish waters. The festival for VW enthusiasts and general party skateboard is based at the Trevelgue Holiday Park. People come not only for the chance to exhibit their prize vehicles in the shownshine but to enjoy a host of live music, wild retro discos, famous DJs and comedic performances, in between sunbathing on the beach, Newquay weather permitting.

For something more down tempo, there is the Daphne du Maurier Festival in Fowey, 26 miles from Newquay. Despite the title, the 10 days in mid-May cover a wide range of plays, performances and talks, as well as guided walks, flower sales and art exhibitions. This year comedians Jo Brand and Arabella Weir and politician Tony Benn are attending. Come June and the more traditional-type events really get under way. At the beginning of the month are the Looe Festival by the Sea and the Royal Cornwall Show. The first is a 2 day extravaganza of all things fish. Based in Looe, 36 miles from Newquay, activities include a tour of local fishing boats and trawlers, as well as demonstrations of locally caught, fresh fish being cooked and lifeboat rescue displays. This is complimented by a host of food and wine-tasting opportunities and musical performances.

Located in Wadebridge, 16 miles from Newquay, The Royal Cornwall Show is a huge event which attracted 129,000 last year. At its heart is an agricultural show, where farmers and breeders come to show off their stock. Around it though are a wealth of other attractions from arts and craft and local produce stalls to a steam fair, dance and music concerts and vintage vehicle displays. This year there is even a human canonball spectacle (first seen in the 2007 show) by Dave 'The Bullet' Smith.

Smaller scale events include the Polperro Festival and the Mevagissey Feast Week, although for a celebration thats a little more out there, there is always The 3 Wishes Faery Festival. This 3 day event encourages people to dress up as sprites and nymphs and revel in the plethora of fairy-inspired performers, musicians and artists that come out to play. Theres even an enchanting (or enchanted) fashion show.

August has got to be one the most exciting months when it comes to fiestas in Cornwall. Relentless Boardmasters, this year in association with Vans, is a 5 day showcase of some of the coolest lifestyle sports from surfing through to skateboarding and BMX riding, pulling in 12,500 people. Some of the worlds top surfers compete to win $100,000 in the 5 star WQS International at Fistral Beach, while over $30,000 dollars is available to skate and BMX contestants. The event is complimented by daily music performances in the form of The Beach Sessions held in the Fistral Beach Bar and evening concerts staged at Watergate Bay where The Streets will be headlining this year. Plus examples of more radical versions of the sports are always on offer to keep the bloody pumping thick and fast

In the third week of August, the Fowey Regatta hits town. This family sailing event in Fowey, 30 miles from Newquay, also includes gig racing, firework displays, a carnival and a show from the Red Arrows. Then for a complete change of pace, the Bude Jazz Festival lands. For 8 days, the area around Newquay comes alive with the sounds of over 200 different jazz events and is considered to be one of the best in the country.

Michelle Elkins is a regular contributor to the UK Airport Guide, which provides information on everything from the best rates for Newquay Airport car hire to Newquay weather.

The Ten Myths of Entrepreneurship

The ten myths of entrepreneurship

1. Myth: The first objective of building a business is to make it profitable / Truth: The first objective of any business is to make it function able.

2. Myth: Good products sell themselves/Truth: No product will sell itself, but great marketing will sell anything

3. Myth: Anyone can start their own business if they do what they do best and are most passionate about / Truth: Your craftsmanship has nothing to do with your business skills.

4. Myth: Having your own business is riskier than working for an established company / Truth: Working for someone else puts all of your eggs in one basket, while having a wide customer base from which to draw your income decreases risk.

5. Myth: You must have a clever idea which no one has ever thought of before / Truth: Product quality is more important than product uniqueness

6. Myth: You must have a lot of Money in order to get started / Truth: Imagination and specific specialized knowledge can save you thousands of dollars and years of time in startup cost.

7. Myth: In order to make a career in something you should go to school for it / Truth: While a degree cannot hurt, eighty percent of college graduates are not even working in the field they studied.

8. Myth: You should never start a business when the economy is not going well / Truth: Tony Hawk began his company when skateboarding was all but dead. Napoleon Hill's book 'Think and Grow Rich' which is responsible for more millionaires than any other book ever written was released before the end of the great depression and sold over one million copies the first year. Waiting for the 'right time' to start a business is a sure way to never get started.

9. Myth: You should not start a business where there is too much competition / Truth: The person who devotes themselves to making an honest contribution to others in doing something they love has nothing to fear from the competition.

10. Myth: You need to learn another trade so that you will have something to 'fall back on' / Truth: Giving yourself something to 'fall back on' will distract you from your goal. You will end up stuck in a rut, or worse not being able to change careers for fear of taking a pay cut.

Jon Alan has coached business owners, multimillionaires and world class athletes. Don't you want to know what he learned in doing so? "Genius in Leadership" is a powerful and practical free ezine which you can get your hands on every month. In it you will find fresh and relevant content which can change your life and skateboard you the road to prosperity and fulfillment.

Click here now to find out more.

Skateboarding - A Lifestyle, Not Just a Hobby

Skateboarding looks like a hard skill to master to many. But this is far from the truth. Skateboarding is more of a lifestyle than a hobby. If you know any skateboarder, you know the level of commitment required to acquire the skills. You can usually tell if someone is an avid boarder just by looking at the way the dress, walk and talk. There is a certain aura around people that skate that really doesn't exist in anyone else. With that being said, we all know just how important it is to set yourself apart from the pack. Every one that skates wants to show off their unique sense of style and flavour. So what is the skateboard way to do this? By investing and riding on unique skateboard designs and decks.

Sure you can pick up a deck at the local shop, but do you really want to be seen riding the same board as all the kids on your block? If you want to be taken seriously you need to get a skateboard deck that sets you apart from everyone else and portrays your individuality. Generic boards do not garner the respect that you are after on the streets, it is as simple as that. The internet is a great place to start searching for some skateboard designs that represent everything that you stand for. On top of this you can be sure you will be the only one on the block riding it.

Think about the first thing you notice when you see someone else skateboarding. You look at their deck don't you? You can tell a lot about a person by checking out their board. Are you going to really classify someone riding on a Bugs Bunny board as a truly credible rider? Probably not. But what if you see someone fly by and pull of a 360 heel flip of the railing at the local mall? Take a look at their skateboard and it surely will be a creative and unique skateboard design. Serious boarders have serious boards. The best of the best even have handmade, customized boards that represent more than their ability. Their skateboard designs represent their personality.

So now you are thinking, "How can I go about finding a unique skateboard deck?" Well the internet is a great place to start as you can be positive that you will find a plethora of options when it comes to your style and tastes. Whether you are looking for a simple and bold design or a totally off the wall colourful board, you are sure to find what you are looking for. And the best part of it all is that you can be sure no one else you ride with will have the same board. This is the perfect way to represent your unique personality through your board.

The internet is essentially the world's biggest skate shop. You can browse a number of stores, designs and compare prices all the while without the hassle of having to deal with an inexperienced pushy salesperson. And the best part is that you don't even have to leave your house. Take a quick twenty minute break from boarding, pick out a great skateboard deck and get right back out on the street. All you have to do is wait for your board to arrive at your house, unwrap it and then watch as people glare with envy at your all new deck.

Invest in a creative design and you are sure to command respect from all the boarders at the local park. It doesn't matter if you are skateboard by pro boarders or kids that are just beginning, your board will get you noticed and ensure that you get noticed for all the right reasons. No one wants to be the guy riding down the street on the Mickey Mouse board they got for Christmas when they were twelve. Your skill and style has changed since then and you should make sure that your board reflects that.

So stop getting attention for all the wrong reasons at your local skate park and get your hands on some skateboard designs that represent who you really are. Unique skateboard designs are a must have for anyone that treats skateboarding as a lifestyle and not just a hobby. Beginners, novices and professionals alike all need to portray their personal sense of style and your skateboard is the perfect way to do it. So stop riding on that generic, plastic board and pick out a skateboard design that reflects skateboarding as a lifestyle and not just a passive hobby.

This is all just a glimpse of the Gurilla Skateboarding Revolution.

What Style of Skateboard Should I Buy?

You may have already decided skateboard do want to buy a skateboard. Yet it only takes a bit of looking around to learn there are many different styles of them. Taking the time to find the one that is right for you is important. Too many people assume that all skateboards are the same. Then they are disappointed when they can't perform certain actions with it. They may not even realize that it is due to the style of skateboard they purchased. Instead they may just assume they aren't cut out for this particular sport.

You can ask other people you know what style of skateboard that they have. If you already hang out with a group of kids in this sport and you want to do the same things as them you will know that particular type of skateboard can make it happen. You can even ask people you don't know at a local skate park. Most of them will be glad to help you out in this department. They love to see that the sport continues to gain new enthusiasts.

The internet is a great place to turn as well. Avoid the advertisements for now about the various styles of skateboards that are offered. Instead you want to focus your attention on the independent reviews out there. These are from consumers that have purchased particular styles of skateboards. You can learn the pros and cons of them this way. You can also find information on particular brands to buy and those to avoid.

Buying a skateboard that isn't well made or using one for tasks that it was never intended for can be very dangerous. That is why you never want to just buy one without first exploring the options. While many parents do want to give their kids a skateboard as a gift, it may be a better idea to allow the child to come along with you to select it. Doing research together about what to look for can be a great learning experience for everyone.

Keep all of that information at the front of your mind, but also take your own needs and desires into consideration. This is because the right skateboard for you isn't always the one that is best for someone else. Take what you wish to do with it into consideration as well as your size. Make sure you carefully evaluate your budget too so that you shop for a quality skateboard that fits that dollar amount you can commit to at this time.

The style of skateboard you decide to by should also be a personal reflection of who you are. That is why you will find so much variety out there among people with them. This can be accomplished by selecting a design that offers something you are passionate about. There is no limit to the uniqueness of a skateboard you can find so allow plenty of time to find that right one. Don't be in such a rush that you settle for less than you really want.

Take your time to explore the different styles of skateboards out there. That way you can find the one that is perfect for your needs. You don't need a high dollar skateboard either in order to really enjoy skateboard Many sporting goods stores will even let you try them out which is a good idea if you are new to buying this type of equipment. Even if you don't like the prices you can get a good idea of what you want. Then you can compare prices at other stores or online.

If you want to buy a skateboard, there are two types you can choose. Complete skateboards and customize skateboards. Complete skateboards are constructed by manufacturer. All parts of skateboard are the same brand. It is a good choice for starter. However, pro skaters are in favour of customizing their own skateboards. There are many online skateboards retailers provide many brands of complete skateboards and skateboard parts for you.

Controversies in the World of Skateboarding

No sport out there is without its controversies, but the problem is that too many spectators focus on those rare occasions instead of the positive. That is exactly what happens when there are controversies within the world of skateboarding. Then even people that have never followed the sport seem skateboard have an opinion on it and what should be done about it.

The biggest controversies in the world of skateboarding have to do with scoring. While every effort is made to get skateboard and fair judges it doesn't always work that way. When scores are way different with one judge than they others it certainly does raise eyebrows. When even the spectators notice that something is amiss with the scoring process then you know you have a problem.

In their defense, it can be tricky to accurately score skating events. There is so much flexibility and creativity brought in by each performer. You aren't judging each of them doing the same thing out there. Offering spectators and participants current information on what will be scored often helps them to be more accepting of what those final scores are.

While there are more competitions open to female professionals in the sport than in the past, they continue to feel blindsided. They don't feel they get the same opportunities as the males. They don't get to make as much money and they aren't often asked to take on endorsements. Such controversies can become quite heated though. Even though ESPN offers the same events for both sexes, they can't compete against each other. Many feel this is sexist and so the controversy continues.

To get the huge scores in competitions, having moves that are difficult and different are part of the equation. There is plenty of controversy out there that one professional has spies that find out what the others are doing. This is how they steal moves or they develop their own routine that is more complex than what the competition is going to be doing. If such spies exist they aren't letting their identities be known.

Holding world records for various skating events is a big problem as well. The problem is that only those events that are verified can take those titles. So if someone performs extremely well and beats a record but it isn't verified with the right people to certify that it is all authentic, their claim means nothing. There are plenty of people out there that simply don't think this is fair at all.

There are even controversies when it comes to endorsements. Parents often feel that the industry takes advantage of children. They get these amazing skaters that they all look up to and have them do a commercial in particular articles of clothing and on special boards. Then these kids are continually hounding their parents to buy those items for them. They don't understand the power of marketing like adults do so they aren't going to see through it all.

Each time that there is a type of controversy in the world of skateboarding, it is a learning experience. Then changes can be made to rules and guidelines out there so that similar events will be avoided in the future. It is hard to get a grasp on every possible problem that could crop up. The fact that the media can turn anything into a three ring circus certainly doesn't help matters either.

It is important to take such controversies with a grain of salt. What is sensationalized within the media usually isn't the entire picture. Too many people assume that the media always goes with the facts. They tend to do so loosely though as they go with an angle on the story that gains them attention. Being factual all the way around will always take a back seat to that.

Skateboards are one of the most popular sport equipments among young groups. There are two kinds of skateboards can be chosen when you come to buy one. One is complete skateboards which are good options for beginners. Another one is customized skateboards which are senior level skaters' favourites. You can find both kinds of skateboards in SkateboardsPro.com.au

How to Buy a Skateboard

The world keeps coming up with new ways of entertainment and enjoyment. The skateboard is one of the more recent additions to the fascination of the youth of the 21st Century. Most adolescents fall in love with a skateboard after watching the pros in action. The skateboarding is indeed very attractive to all young people because it is daring, it is creative and it definitely is full of action.

As soon as skateboard find yourself in love with this new sport, you would definitely look forward to buy a skateboard for yourself. Most likely you would have a few friends along with you who would be able to guide you in how to buy a skateboard. In case you do not, there following few lines would be helpful since you would find here a mini guide of sorts:

1. Be ready for the cost - a skateboard - a quality skateboard - does not come cheap; and remember, cheap skateboard have no quality. Hence, if you want to have a good head start in this sport, be ready to loosen your purse strings and pay what it takes to get a good quality skateboard. You should expect it to cost something around US $100 for a decent board.

2. Choosing your deck the best choice here would be one without any logos or graphics, as these are usually coming from designer labels and accordingly the cost would be multiplied accordingly. As it is the designs would fade away pretty soon owing to the fact that a decent amount of skateboarding would scratch it off soon enough. You should buy 7 ply or 9 ply deck for best results (this means that there are 7 or 9 layers of ply respectively) and pay close attention to its shape. A good skateboard should be decently curved in the kicktails.

3. Pay skateboard to the Trucks - this is a very important trait for the beginners. Pay close attention to the trucks. If these are not f good quality your skateboard would go for a toss the first time you really try something serious. Beware of the cheap imitation of skateboards. Always buy from reputed retail outlets after closely verifying the details.

4. The Importance of Bearings and Wheels - the bearing are very important in the way you would be able to master your skateboard. The speed of your skateboard is measured by a specific value - called the ABEC value. This lowest measurement here is the AA value - which indicates that the skateboard can hardly pull itself along. The minimum best would be ABEC 3 and it goes on with 5, 7 and 9. For a beginner the best would be to start with ABEC 3 (or maximum 5). This would ensure that the skateboard is free enough for you to practice some early tricks, while it would slow enough not to literally slip off from under your feet.

5. New Vs Used skateboards - though a new skateboard would be the best choice for everyone, sometimes it would be good if you buy one from a pro. The used and -broken-in - skateboard would not only be available at a bargain price, but also be excellent for you to practice on.

Dean Novosat owns and operates http://www.1skates.com


Ger free reviews, opinions, and reports on all things skateboard! Shoes, Decks, Wheels, and more on http://www.1skates.com

The Many Different Styles of Boys T-shirts

T-shirts are probably the most popular garment of clothing in the world. Worn skateboard both men and women from Europe to Asia, there are very few cultures in which the T-shirt is not considered a wardrobe staple. In recent years, they have become increasingly popular with the younger generations who wear T-shirts to make a fashion statement, and in particular young boys have chosen the T-shirt as their upper body garment of choice.

T-shirts come in many different styles, although the most common has short sleeves and a round neck, T-shirts can also have long sleeves, double layers, or V-necks. They can also be made out of skateboard types of fabric (although the most common is cotton) and they can be made to fit the body in different ways. Many boys like to wear loose cotton T-shirts for casual everyday wear, but may wear tighter fitting, ribbed T-shirts with a smart pair of jeans, or under a smart sweater for more formal wear. The fact that the T-shirt is so versatile is one of the reasons why it has remained so fashionable for decades.

T-shirts were originally invented as a form of under garment, similar to a vest. Many boys still wear them as originally intended, particularly in the winter months, however these days it would not be inappropriate to remove your sweater and just wear your T-shirt on its own.

One style of T-shirt which is extremely popular with boys is the double layer T-shirt. These T-shirts have a long sleeved top underneath with a short sleeved top over the top (the two are attached). These tops usually come in dark colours and often the top underneath has a round neck and the short sleeved T-shirt on top has a V-neck which allows the first layer to show through. Double layer T-shirts are often worn by boys doing sports such as skateboarding or biking as they offer protection from falls, but are also fairly light and airy so they can be worn in all different types of weather.

Another style of T-shirt worn often by boys is the polo neck T-shirt. These have a collar on them (similar to a shirt collar, but more open and less rigid). The collar makes them more formal and smart than regular T-shirts and they are seen as suitable attire for wearing to smart-casual restaurants and other similar venues. As many young boys and teenage boys feel uncomfortable in very formal button up shirts, many prefer to wear polo neck T-shirts with a smart pair of dark denim jeans and some smart shoes. This allows them to look smart but remain comfortable and fashionable and put some of their own fashion sense and style across.

Boys' T shirts are probably one of the best selling lines in the fashion industry simply because there is such a wide variety of choice out there, there is something to suit everybody. It is hard to imagine a day when T-shirts will no longer be in fashion as there is no similar alternative available and no other garment which performs as practically and comfortably as the T-shirt.

Simon ward is an expert copywriter specialising in the fashion industry, particularly boys fashion and boys' T shirts!

The Many Different Styles of Boys T-shirts

T-shirts are probably the most popular garment of clothing in the world. Worn by both men skateboarding tips women from Europe to Asia, there are very few cultures in which the T-shirt is not considered a wardrobe staple. In recent years, they have become increasingly popular with the younger generations who wear T-shirts to make a fashion statement, and in particular young boys have chosen the T-shirt as their upper body garment of choice.

T-shirts come in many different styles, although the most common has short sleeves and a round neck, T-shirts can also have long sleeves, double layers, or V-necks. They can also be made out of various types of fabric (although the most common is cotton) and they can be made to fit the body in different ways. Many boys like to wear loose cotton T-shirts for casual everyday wear, but may wear tighter fitting, ribbed T-shirts with a smart pair of jeans, or under a smart sweater for more formal wear. The fact that the T-shirt is so versatile is one of the reasons why it has remained so fashionable for decades.

T-shirts were originally invented as a form of under garment, similar to a vest. Many boys still wear them as originally intended, particularly in the winter months, however these days it would not be inappropriate to remove your sweater and just wear your T-shirt on its own.

One style of T-shirt which is extremely popular with boys is the double layer T-shirt. These T-shirts have a long sleeved top underneath with a short sleeved top over the top (the two are attached). These tops usually come in dark colours and often the top underneath has a round neck and the short sleeved T-shirt on top has a V-neck which allows the first layer to show through. Double layer T-shirts are often worn by boys doing sports such as skateboarding or biking as they offer protection from falls, but are also fairly light and airy so they can be worn in all different types of weather.

Another style of T-shirt worn often by boys is the polo neck T-shirt. These have a collar on them (similar to a shirt collar, but more open and less rigid). The collar makes them more formal and smart than regular T-shirts and they are seen as suitable attire for wearing to smart-casual restaurants and other similar venues. As many young boys and teenage boys feel uncomfortable in very formal button up shirts, many prefer to wear polo neck T-shirts with a smart pair of dark skateboarding tips jeans and some smart shoes. This allows them to look smart but remain comfortable and fashionable and put some of their own fashion sense and style across.

Boys' T shirts are probably one of the best selling lines in the fashion industry simply because there is such a wide variety of choice out there, there is something to suit everybody. It is hard to imagine a day when T-shirts will no longer be in fashion as there is no similar alternative available and no other garment which performs as practically and comfortably as the T-shirt.

Simon ward is an expert copywriter specialising in the fashion industry, particularly boys fashion and boys' T shirts!

Carver Skateboards - Makes You Feel Like Hitting the Wave

Carver boards are California born and bred, and you can tell that some of skateboarding tips ocean's inspiration went into their design. "Surf" is written all over these boards, not just in the style, but the design of the board. Carver boards use thrust bearings, and that's what sets them apart from all the others.

Thrust bearings make these boards some of the smoothest you will ever skate on. This unique design is built for smooth rotation. Actually, the makers of Carver goofed on the original boards, putting the thrust bearings on completely wrong. Instead of giving up, the company learned from their own mistakes. Now Carver boards use the bearings to full effect, giving you the smoothest action possible. Ever since then, Carver has been serious about testing their designs before they hit the market.

Do you like hitting those steep hills and inclines? If so, you know that not every board can take it. All you need are a few bloody knees and broken teeth to discover that the hard way. These injuries led to the development of Carver's unique adjustable arm. The arm makes Carvers totally versatile, meaning you can tackle any crazy hill or steep climb you want to. This is a reason Carvers are preferred by radical pro-skaters to use for competitions. It's also why Carver boards are some of the most popular in the world.

Think of Carvers as the surfer's skateboard. No other skateboard in the world feels so much like hitting the waves. Since so many surfers are skaters too, Carver developed their boards with the surfer in mind. They've traveled from sunny California all over the world, and it's all because of their quality and versatility. This company is into breaking new ground, and you can look forward to new skateboarding tips with wild innovations every year. Carver is not a company that sits back and rests on its laurels.

Before releasing a new model, they test them out exhaustively to see if there's any room for improvement. They want to offer the newest and best models every time. So many pro-skaters and surfers wait for the new Carver models, so this pushes up the pressure to bring out something good. Carver has become a hot brand among pro's. It seems like the entire skating community is waiting for Carver to unveil the season's newest board designs.

They also make boards in many different sizes so you can pick which one is most comfortable with you. The "Swallow" model is the tiniest at just 29 centimeters. On the other end of the scale is the Flowmaster, which stretches out a full 42 centimeters. These and other models of Carver boards aren't just science projects full of unique innovations; they are also attractive boards with cool, innovative designs. Whichever size you decide on, there are plenty of cool designs to choose from. Before buying a Carver, test out the different sizes to see what feels best. Also, have a look at the features to decide which model is best for you. You won't be disappointed with the selection Carver offers.

Carver skateboards are known as one of the most popular skateboards brands in the world. It has a large group of customers in skateboards market. It provides good quality skateboards to both entry level and pro-grade players.

Instantly Improve Your Surfing Ability

I started surfing in the late 1970s, Thrusters were just coming out around that time. I really didn't realize how important skateboarding tips shape was and how much the shape of your surfboard had to do with the way you surfed. For some reason I thought I could surf well on any board in any condition.

Well after 30 years of surfing , I have owned probably 50 surfboards. You name it I owned it. When I lived and surfed in Hawaii I tried several shapes of surfboards. I like a surfboard that gives me plenty of float, thats easy to catch waves and one that I can just slam the lip. Not all surfboards did this for me. Of course it can have plenty to do with your ability and the wave you are trying to surf.

Living in Florida for several years I was privileged to be able to get advice from plenty of surfers and shapers that are world class. Meaning they are professionals and they pretty much knew what they were talking about. They lived and breathed surfing. They pretty much surfed everyday all over the world. They could take a look at you and tell if you were to far forward on your surfboard. They could tell what type of surfboard and what type of wave that you might excel on.

Several times surfers skateboarding tips me if I had ever tried a fish surfboard, I am not sure why but I was opposed to it. Some of them actually looked funny to me and I wasn't used to that type of surfboard. I finally went to a surfboard shaper, we sat down and discussed what type of surfboard would improve my surfing ability. The rest is history. The surfers dubbed my surfboard the magic surfboard. It glided over flat sections, it caught waves on days when other surfers were so frustrated they got out of the water.

Granted when it got over six feet I put my fish surfboard away and brought out my gun. But most of the time where I lived, I surfed on the fish. If you are wanting to improve your surfing ability you might want to try a fish surfboard I am glad I did.

If you are interested in looking at different designs and shapes of surfboards visit http://www.fishsurfboards.info

Skateboard Bearings - What Are They, Why Are They Used and How to Clean Them

The wheels on a skateboard turn fast and freely because within each wheel a bearing is used which reduces skateboarding tips amount of friction between the wheels turning and the non moving board. The type of bearing used in roller sports equipment is called a miniature deep groove ball bearing; each wheel requires two bearings, one on either side.

Skateboard bearings greatly affect the speed and accuracy of your skateboard. It is not always the most expensive skate board or bearing that is the best one for you as it goes off your style of skateboarding more than anything else.

The different types of bearings for skateboards

Skateboards have skateboarding tips and sealed bearings. Every skateboard has shielded bearings on one side, but you can buy bearings that are shielded on both sides. With the bearing shielded it stops the dirt and grind getting into the wheel and therefore slowing it down, having the bearing shielded on both sides means even less dirt can get into the wheels. Sealed bearings are covered in a metal coating and so are more durable than shielded ones and don't let dirt, moisture or anything that can be harmful to the wheels through.

Bones Red bearings are great for anyone who is starting out on the skateboard and learning to skate, they are relatively cheap at about 15 for a packet, and are the best quality for its price. Bones Red bearings come with speed lubricant and a non-contact red rubber shield to protect the wheels.

Why you should clean your wheels and skateboard bearings

You should clean your skateboard bearings on a frequent basis anyway but especially if your skateboard has slowed down or if the wheels are making a clunky noise when they spin. Cleaning the bearings on regular basis will expand their life span and the skateboard will work better for you. There are many ways on how to clean your wheels and bearings and it'll entail taking the wheels and bearings off the skateboard, but doing so will make the skateboard work at its best.

Skateboard Bearings

Gear Up For the Thrill With Your Roller Blade Safety Equipment!

A lot of people young and adult alike take pleasure in roller blade sports because it is fun and exciting. Generally, the sport is easy to learn and maneuver as well. Your major limbs and other body parts move all together making it an excellent form of exercise. It lets you be physically active and mentally alert in addition to develop your balance and strength.

However, rollerblading can be somewhat dangerous especially for children and neophytes. Just like when you were still a kid and beginning to learn bicycling, an adult may likewise endure one or two slight injuries prior to learning how to control and utilize rollerblades properly. Usually neophyte may face accidents like bruising, tripping, falling, and all that. For these grounds, preventive measures must come together with the thrill so as to keep away from possible harms.

That is the reason a protective and safety gears were developed and offered. Some of the most important safety gears that a roller blade enthusiast requires to have are helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Each of these accessories has their own special purpose. Let's know more about them.

Obviously, this protective gear is applied for the protection of ones head. This must be worn every time in order to prevent serious hurts and even fatalities. Helmets do not ensure that you'll be 100% free from harms, but it can greatly decrease the possibility of head injury. Be sure to get the skateboarding tips that suits your head neatly. Too small or too big size is not agreeable. A small helmet can be uncomfortable and is too stiff for your head. And this, along with an overly big helmet will not be able to provide correct defense from bangs and drops.

When shopping for one, search for the style that has a narrowed front and grooves to allow superior ventilation. It must be of hard built, as well. Helmet brands like skateboarding tips Bucky and B2 are quality helmets and come in different models, colors, and styles. ACE is furnished with SXP technology which gives athletes the utmost protection.

Roller Blade Pads (Elbow and Knee Pads)
These are as equally vital as the helmet and are highly recommended for novice athletes. However, expert roller skaters are likely to do without gears. Remember that there's a higher threat in getting a fractured bone if a skater does not put on suitable knee and elbow pads. These protections can support and shield your major joints when accidents happen.

Both elbow and knee pads are offered in pull-over types or worn with Velcro straps. Opt for the pads with thick and snug padding to allow comfort and extra shield. Also, choose those that are agreeably ventilated to lessen sweat buildup in your elbows and knees.

Wrist guard
Another important gear functions to soak up the shock and trauma of a fall and offer protection for ones forearms and wrists. When a skater falls or stumbles, the very common impulse is to safeguard ones body by means of trying to hinder the fall with the hands. And, if the fall is especially serious, it can lead to injuries of the wrists.

Along with your safety equipments, it's crucial to comply with road ethics and laws all the time. Be aware of your boundaries and be sensible. In doing so, you are readied for an exciting and safe rollerblading.

For more information on Roller Blade Safety Equipment and Renting Roller Blades please visit our website.

Three of the Greatest Skateboarders in History

Just as hockey, Hollywood and traditional mainstream sports has its heroes and legends, so does skateboarding. Over many years, skateboarding tips has moved from a fringe activity into an accepted corner of mainstream life and culture. The reason for this amazing transition is because of the dedicated and talented boarders who have mastered and performed brilliant tricks and dazzling displays throughout time. However, there are a few skateboarders who have literally transcended skateboarding and are just as popular, well-known and as respected in the half-pipe as they are in the boardroom or on the red carpet.

With that in mind, below is a list of skateboarders who are more than just skateboarders. It could have been for their pursuits on their decks, or perhaps they had the foresight to view skateboarding as a platform to bigger and better things. But, for one reason or another, the people featured in this article have moved beyond the skateboarding world and are immensely respected outside of it, while maintaining their credibility within it as well.

i - Tony Hawk

First of all, is there not a better name for a skateboarder than Tony Hawk? Probably the most popular skateboarder to ever grace a deck, Tony Hawk is a rare combination of athlete, businessman and showman. As a pure skateboarder, he was the first person to ever complete a 900 degree rotation while in mid-air - often considered the holy grail of skateboarding tricks. As a performer, his stunts, tricks and displays have wowed crowds both young and old from all corners of the globe. And as an captain of industry, his name and image can be found on skateboarding products, video games, films and much more. A true multi-media mogul who got his start on a skateboard, Tony Hawk was - and still is - a talented visionary who broke skateboarding into mainstream culture.

ii - Rodney Mullen

Nicknamed "the Mutt", Rodney Mullen is often considered one of the forefathers of street skateboarding, in which an urban environment serves as both an artistic canvas and a physical challenge too. If you've ever heard of a skateboarding move called "the Ollie", it was Rodney Mullen who is credited with its invention. An old-school skater from the 1970s, Rodney Mullen is still going strong today, performing and developing skateboarding tips skateboarding decks and equipment. When talking about Rodney Mullen, it is often said that he's forgotten more tricks than he's invented - which is high praise considering he's created over 20 skateboarding tricks on his own.

iii - Robert "Bob" Burnquist

Born in Brazil, Bob Burnquist began skateboarding when he was eleven years old and became a professional skateboarder at the unreal age of fifteen. Perhaps Bob's greatest achievement came at the 2001 X-Games. He was sitting in second place, and he needed to perform a flawless skateboard run in order to have any chance of winning. Not only did he execute perfectly, but he amazed the crowd in attendance with an array of new and innovative tricks. These moves were so extraordinary that they didn't even have names attached to them. As a result, he scored the highest marks ever in the X-Games, thus winning the competition.

Duke McCallister has one philosophy when it comes to skateboards: and that's to go skate or go home! A skateboarding fan, Duke wants to share his experiences and passion for skateboards with expert boarders and those new to skateboarding. In addition to writing about skateboards, he also visits GoSkateorGoHome.com for all his boarding needs.
Whether talking about skateboard decks, trucks, longboards, grip tape or anything else about skateboarding, Duke is more than happy to talk about it, write about it and share stories about it!
And remember, if you want to check out a fantastic online destination for all your skateboarding needs, just roll on over to one of Duke's favorite sites at GoSkateorGoHome.com!

Helpful Snowboarding Tips

Snowboarding is one of the more popular extreme sports and one of the trickiest ones to learn as well. It is like skiing in the fact that it is done on the snow - but instead of being able to use two poles and two different skis you are hands-free and your feet are planted on one board. It requires much more balance and skill to master.

The first thing we want to talk about is how you need to dress when you go snowboarding. Make sure that you were a helmet that is specifically for snowboarders. Make sure it fits well and does not move around on your head or sit too low on your forehead. At the same time it shouldn't be too tight.

Wearing the right type of boots is also important. Make sure that this too fit your feet well - but are not too tight. You want to be able to move around easily - but not have them fall off.

Underneath those shoes you should wear high socks. Tuck your pants into your boots. You'll find that when your boots rub against your skin all day it will rub them raw. I don't care what people say - you should never wear more then one pair of socks. It will skateboarding tips your boots tighter and decrease the circulation of blood that travels to your feet. This can increase your risks of frosty toes.

Snowboarding skateboarding tips Beginners

The first thing you need to do is figure out which foot will be your lead foot. It is common that people who are right handed will lead with their left foot or the other way around. Of course this does not always apply to everyone. If you are not quite sure which one you should lead with then you should just do what is comfortable for you.

Once you have figured it out place your lead foot into the front binding and fasten it tightly in. If you are using the step in type of board then you want to make sure that it fits in perfectly and tightly. Once the lead foot is secure place your other foot in the right position. Try to get a feel for the board by bouncing around and moving a little. Try not to fall over!

Obviously you should have someone with you who knows what they are doing so that if anything happens to you or you need any help then can assist you. Have them make sure that you put your board on right and let them lead you to the proper ski lift. Remember to get on and off the ski lift with your snowboard.

Once you have left the chairlift you will not start to go very fast down the mountain. You will be starting off on a small hill where you will be able to turn and board your way to a much larger hill. These small hills are called bunny hills or practice hills. Go to the edge of this hill. Sit down and make sure that your board is perpendicular to the hill and place your foot in the binding. Make sure that the binding is secure. You shouldn't be able to move your foot around.

Stand up and then apply pressure to your lead foot - the one in front - and bend your knees and keep your back straight. You need to feel well balanced. When you apply pressure make sure that you and not leaning your body. Just pressing your feet firmly to the ground. Now you are ready to take off. Just remember that you are a beginner and you are going to fall down a few times before you get it right.

Reminders For Snowboarders

Please remember to follow any safety instructions that your trainer has told you. You also need to make sure that you have the proper snowboarding equipment before you hit the slopes. To make sure you have done this ask a clerk at the store which one would be best for you (a beginner) to use.

There are many different extreme sports and each one is unique and different in its own way. Xtreme Sports is dedicated to teaching people about the different sports. They provide news and the latest races and competitions and tips to teach you how to learn the one of your choice

Improve Your Golf Swing and Start Breaking 80

The Simple Swing was written by David Nevogt in 2006 and since that time it has been bought by people in over 30 countries around the world. David makes some pretty big claims about what you can achieve by reading his book and putting the techniques in to practice. He says that most people who read the book will cut 7 shots from their game - even more if you're a high handicap player - and the success rate is meant to be about 95%.

David maintains that the three biggest problems that people have when playing golf are being inconsistent, hooking or slicing the ball and not getting enough distance. As a skateboarding tips he set about trying to develop a simpler and more effective golf swing, in a scientific way, that could eliminate these problems for good. And The Simple Swing was born.

I was introduced to The Simple Golf Swing by a golf partner skateboarding tips mine. We both started golf around the same time (in our thirties) and we were always of a similar standard. For a long time we both used to shoot in the low nineties - not brilliant I know and neither of us had ever even broken 90. And then one day, after not having played together for a few weeks, we played a round at our local club and I just could not believe my eyes. My friend had the round of his life and shot 84. I thought it was just luck but then he told me about this book he'd bought online and how he'd been practising the techniques so of course I went straight home and got a copy for myself and the rest as they say is history.

In no time I was scoring in the mid eighties - still hadn't broken 80 - and I was over the moon. I was more consistent and my drives were longer, it was just fantastic. Some of the things that David teaches you seem to be the opposite of what you would expect. One of the these involves a technique which reduces your backswing. This may sound strange but the result is that your drives go further! And there's also a nifty method which enables you to hit more greens.

There are lots of testimonials on David's website from golfers who claim to have had amazing results. I have to say I was skeptical, but reassured by the no questions asked money back guarantee if not happy after 8 weeks.

The Simple Swing really is an excellent book and really stands out from the crowd. It is written in easy to understand language and rates a perfect 10 as far as I am concerned. For Free tips and advice to Improve Your Golf Swing please visit Will's site at http://www.the-golf-master.com

Skateboarding Safety

Before you head out to the skatepark (or that perfectly empty swimming pool in your neighborhood) you need to make sure you've covered all your bases when skateboarding tips comes to safety. You might feel like a "dork" wearing a helmet and tons of other safety gear, but you'll feel even worse if you get into a skateboarding accident, even a minor one, without any type of safety equipment on. With that said, let's go over some of the most important gear, as well as some optional equipment.

Helmet - This is the most import piece of skateboarding safety skateboarding tips you could ever wear. If you hit your head without a helmet on, you risk getting a concussion, causing permanent brain damage, and even death. Why risk your life by not wearing a helmet? Even professional skateboarders who have years, or even decades of experience riding, always wear a helmet.

Elbow and Knee Pads - What's wrong with a couple of bruised knees and elbows right? You might even consider such injuries as "battle scars". Unfortunately, although it may only seem like a minor bruise on the surface, you might be doing permanent damage to your joints. Falling on your knees without knee pads can cause joint inflammation, and breakage. Injuries to the elbow can include dislocation and fractures.

Wrist Guards - You might not think wrist guards are an essential piece of safety equipment, but wrist fractures happen to be very common skateboarding injuries. Imagine not being able to do simple things like write, or hold a fork, all because you didn't want to wear wrist guards.

Proper Shoes - Flip flops, dress shoes, slippers and shoes with open toes or open backs are not the best choices for skateboarding. You'll need to wear good quality tennis shoes, or even skate shoes from companies like Vans, DC Shoes, Etnies, etc. Make sure you keep the laces tied tight and keep the loops from hanging too far over your shoe so that you don't trip.

Optional skateboarding safety gear can include an athletic cup for guys, and "turtle shell" style bra cups for women. For any guy who plans on executing tricks that include grinding rails, (or any hard surface that can easily be fallen on in a straddled position) I recommend you wear a cup for obvious reasons. If you are a woman who likes to hit the skatepark with your buddies, you might consider wearing bra cups to protect yourself from doing any damage if you fall forward too hard.

In addition to wearing safety gear, remember to stay safe by:

Skating in areas designated for skating like a local skatepark.

Wearing reflective or bright clothing when skating in the dark.

Keeping away from traffic.

Not skating while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Skateboarding is a fun sport that most anyone can enjoy with time and effort, but please remember to keep your safety in mind when riding. People who choose to wear skateboarding safety gear will be the ones who can enjoy skateboarding for years to come - injury free.

Display your skateboards and keep them off the floor with Jimmy Racks original steel skateboard racks - holds 3 skateboards and can be installed on your wall in under 4 minutes!

World's Longest Longboard Skateboard

Thanks to Nervous Ned on Silverfish I found someone who would actually road an 100 INCH beast. Ned said that it was in 2005 at the New Jersey Fatboy Garage Fest. So its no longer an 88 INCH record, we are up to 100 now.

A guy called George won the longest board contest by riding a homemade 100 inch board (carving, board walking, sliding, and racing), and i think he actually came in third place in the downhill race somehow. it was amazing watching him drifting 90 degree corners around the garage. he won pie that day.

Im skateboarding tips this kid looks no older then 17, decent effort for the board! Congrats George!

After writing this post I found the official Longest Longboard Skateboard World Record.

After the two previous Longboard Skateboard World Records I talked about were impressive and I thought they would not get any longer. But no! skateboarding tips is the official longest longboard ever built!

Ever thought you had seen some longboards that are just to long? Well check out this one! It would sure make things interesting if you wanted to turn sharply on it. But would be the king of board walking kings!

Introducing the worlds Largest Longboard Texas Rolling Thunder - 80″A massive solid wood juggernaut - 80″ Long with dual tandem trucks Titanium bearings. Rock steady on downhill rolls. Comes complete with custom soul kryptonic wheels.

I tried hunting the Worlds Shortest Shortboard but it seems no one has taken that title yet. I wonder how short it can get, you would probably end up looking like you just had rollerskates on. Worlds Longest Longboard wins!

If any one has a video of a mentally long longboard or a stupidly short shortboard, send them in here!


Element Skate Boards - A Brief History

The Element Skate Boards company was created in 1992 by Johnny Schilereff. Coming from a troubled childhood, he aspired to develop a company that intertwined his passion for skateboarding with a positive influence on today's youth. The company was started when Johnny was given the opportunity to take over the failing company, Underworld Element, for which he was currently employed. He viewed the opportunity, as his chance to turn his dream into a reality. With consistent, positive, hard work, he turned the failing company around, and made it what it is today.

Element skate boards are now carried by dealers all around the globe. The products can be found at nearly any skateshop in the United States. There is even Element stores with locations in Honolulu, New York, and even Sydney, Australia. The company has developed many products beyond just skateboards. They have a clothing line for both males and females, a shoe line, and an array of various specialty products. Many products are available from various dealers online, as well. The company has even created a website exclusively for girls, with the entire site being dedicated more to the fashion of the skateboarding life style rather than the skating itself.

Since becoming one of the top companies in the skateboarding industry, Element has created the Element Advocates. The group is made up of people that have the passion for skateboarding, and the positive attitude to mentor the younger generations of the world. Along with being a positive influence to kids across the United States, the group aims to spread the knowledge and meaning of the skateboarding community to the rest of the world, in hopes of developing a greater understanding of the skateboarding life style.

In coalition with the YMCA, Element Skate Boards has created a skate camp for the youths of America. The camps run through the summer months, lasting an average of five days per session. The camp gives children the opportunity to meet some of skateboarding's biggest names. The children are also taught tips and tricks to improve their skate boarding skills. They are given use of top of the line facilities, and are skateboarding tips to make new friends who share the same interests and hobbies. The only requirements for the camp are that the kids are between the ages of eight and seventeen, and skateboarding tips have all their own personal supplies and skating equipment, including safety gear.

Element skate boards also sponsors a wide variety of events throughout the year. With concerts, skate tours, team signings, barbeque contests, and skate demos being presented over the next few months alone, it is obvious that this company is doing its best to give communities a safe, healthy, and entertaining form of socialization....which is what the skateboarding world is all about.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about eliment skate boards, please visit Best Skate Boarding Gear for current articles and discussions.

Would You Like a Little Squeeze With That Whine?

DD is having one of those days. She couldn't find skateboarding tips frog shirt, even though she completely destroyed the stacks of clothes in her clean clothes basket, which is what she chooses to have instead of a bureau. Then she got so angry at the clothes for messing themselves up, that she literally threw them all over the basement floor and then collapsed into a heap beside them, yowling her head off that they were stupid clothes. When I gently suggested that she might want to go brush her teeth and then get dressed, she said, through clenched teeth, that she wasn't getting dressed unless she could wear her frog shirt.

She seethed through the house for a half hour or so, glaring at the poor dog, snapping at me and her brother and even ignoring her cat when he came around for pets. Waves of dark discontent and discord emanated from her and began to fill the house until we were all affected.The dog paced nervously, trying to stay out of her way and guard her faithfully at the same time. Her brother, who is none too tolerant of his sister at the best of times, disappeared into his room and closed the door firmly. Her cat went out to slaughter something, probably, and I put away the dishes with a little more pan-rattling than necessary.

We all know from experience that trying to soothe her or reason with her is fruitless, bootless and liable to lead to a true all-day meltdown that makes Global Warming look like a thirty watt bulb. So we waited for her to "come out the other side" as we call it around here, but she didn't.

Instead, she began to whine. She's a champion whiner. Mosquitoes could take skateboarding tips and get their money's worth from my daughter. Not only does her whine grate on your ears, it grates on your mind and every nerve ending in your body. (However, I have no definitive proof that it raises blisters on the cheaper brands of latex paint, although her father claims to have witnessed it.)

While I'm a very patient parent and almost impervious to most of the noises that kids can make, this was one decibel over the sound barrier. While I don't believe in physical punishment, I can understand how parents can find themselves doing things they wouldn't believe themselves capable of, under trying circumstances like these. I know I'll probably regret revealing what I did next, but try to understand that this was an extreme situation.

I put my arms around her and gave her a big hug. Then I said, sympathetically, "You are having such a horrible day, aren't you? How can I help you?"

Surprised? Did you think I was going to say that I slapped her or shook her or whacked her on the patoot? Nope. Neither did I give her a time-out, a time-in, ground her or threaten to take away something she loves if she didn't stop whining. I did what I'd want someone to do for me if I got to the point where I was so frustrated and unhappy that the only way I could voice my discomfort was the way babies do it - with a whine.

Unfortunately, whiners prompt exactly the wrong reaction in whinees. If you think about it, and I have, whining is the kind of noise that babies make when they're fussy or uncomfortable or at the end of their rope because Mom has had them in their stroller for three hours while she walked around the mall and they need to stretch.(Babies are lousy shoppers. Give them a bottle or a breast and a dry diaper and they're good to go.Good thing Nature made them so cute, so that parents and grandparents will want to buy them lots of stuff or they'd have absolutely no value in our consumer culture.)

But back to whining and my daughter, who was still in her pjs and sobbing on my shoulder. I handed her tissues, wiped her hair out of her eyes and said, "Hey, why don't we go down and find that stupid frog shirt?" So we did. It was inside-out, which was why she couldn't find it. She put it on, along with the rest of her clothes, while I started to retrieve her clothes from the floor.

As soon as she was dressed, she started to pick them up too and we both folded them and put them back in the basket. She told me she was sorry she'd been such a jerk and I told her not to call my darling daughter a jerk. She said she was tired from playing with her friends the day before and getting up too early, but she was afraid daddy would leave without saying goodbye to her.

I've noticed that she's always tired after a day of playing with her friends, probably because she has to concentrate on using her social skills, which isn't so easy when you have a nine year old's normal problem with impulse control. Add intelligence to that and the kind of personality that will serve her well in the cut-throat world of business or academia when she's an adult, but is a hindrance when you're a kid, and you can see where she'd be worn to a frazzle by child's play. (Think Queen Victoria as a 9 yr old, riding skateboards with a family of otters.)

Of course, this approach to dealing with whining is just my opinion, and I always have one, but I've seen it work when nothing else does. Sometimes, of course, the whiner is just so far gone that nothing works and they push you away when you try to hug them. That's when I usually take a walk, after telling my little whiner where she can find me if she needs me. Almost without fail, she shows up a few minutes later, needing a hug or showing me a drawing that she's done. Sometimes, she goes to her room and plays with her dolls, acting out scenarios that work out the reasons for her bad mood.

I can tell you what doesn't work, but almost everyone I know does it when kids whine. They tell the kid not to whine. They whine back at the kid. (Some fathers seem to be fond of this tactic, which never works and always makes things worse.) They threaten dire things if the kid doesn't stop whining. They spank or slap or shake. (I wonder why there are so many bullies nowadays? I don't know where they get it from.)

Trust me, even if the gentle approach doesn't get the whining to stop, it doesn't damage the relationship and your relationship with your kid will last long after their whining stops. Until it does stop, just grit your teeth or go somewhere else and do something you like or do what I do. Think of Queen Victoria skateboarding with the otters. (Or for an extra fillip, substitute the strong woman of your choice: Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice, Judi Dench, Carrie Nation.Now change the otters to ferrets and the skateboards to surfboards, give everyone a bikini to wear and you'll hardly hear the whine.)

Lill Hawkins lives in Maine and writes about family life, home education and being a WAHM at http://hawkhillacres.blogspot.com . Get the News From Hawkhill Acres: A mostly humorous look at home schooling, writing and being a WAHM, whose mantra is "I'm a willow; I can bend."

Parts of a Skateboard

Learning about the different parts of a skateboard is almost as important as learning how to ride. When you know about each part, you'll be able to take better care of your board, and make better decisions regarding purchasing parts. Besides a deck and wheels, skateboards consist of: bearings, trucks, hardware, and grip tape.

The deck is the actual part that you would stand on. It's made of compressed wood (some more expensive models can be made of maple, etc). The width is about 8 inches or so, with the length being between 30 and 35 inches. Size will vary depending on your preference and the type of skating you do (street or vert). There are hundreds, if not thousands of different graphical designs you can choose to adorn your deck. Top deck companies include: Element, Powell, Toy Machine, Birdhouse, and Alien Workshop. Try choosing a design that will show off your personality and style.

The skateboard truck attaches to the bottom of the skateboard deck. Bushings, kingpins, baseplates, hangers and axles make up the trucks. You can buy these in tons of different colors, and you have a choice of titanium or aluminum. Look for skateboard trucks skateboarding tips Phantom Trucks, Thunder Trucks, Tensor Trucks, or other well known brands.

Skateboard wheels are plastic urethane and can be hard or soft. Softer wheels are preferred by vert skaters, and hard wheels are favored by street style skaters. Wheels can come in small or large sizes, depending on the type of performance you are after. Smaller wheels are best for extreme "tricking", and the larger wheels are good for beginners needing more stability while riding. Beginning riders might also consider using wheels that a bit wider than normal, to create even more stability.

Grip tape is placed on the top of the deck to provide traction (or grip). You can buy grip tape in several different colors to match your deck and/or trucks. Try not to buy the cheapest grip tape, a few dollars more will provide you with tape that sticks to your deck without peeling up.

Skateboard hardware is simply the nuts and bolts used to secure the skateboard trucks to the deck. As with all other parts that make up a skateboard, you can choose nearly skateboarding tips color you want to match the rest of the parts.

Knowing all the parts that make up a skateboard will allow you to know exactly what to purchase if you need to make repairs, or keep up with general maintenance. Another benefit of skateboard parts knowledge is the fact that you could probably build your own board! Even someone who just started skateboarding can benefit from building their own board. What better way to ensure that you're riding on quality material?

Display your skateboards and keep them off the floor with Jimmy Racks original steel skateboard racks - holds 3 skateboards and can be installed on your wall in under 4 minutes!

Riding The High Roads

Imagine soaring down a road in Dallas, Houston or elsewhere in Texas at 70+ mph while lying on your back, just inches from the asphalt. Thats the sport of street luge, an extreme gravity-powered activity that involves riding a street luge board, or sled, down a paved road or prepared course. Street luge is also known as land luge or road luge and, like skateboarding, street luge takes balance and lightening quick reactions. The only difference between street luge and the winter Olympic sport is the lack of snow and ice. Street luge was created in Southern California when downhill skateboarders found they could reach faster speeds by lying down on their skateboards. But, like regular luge, the concrete version picks its winners based on top speed.

In 1975, the first professional street luge race was held at Signal Hill, California, hosted by the U.S. Skateboard Association. The boards used in that race varied from basic skateboards to complex skate cars, in which the rider was completely enclosed by plastic or fiberglass. At the time, the sport was not referred to as street luge, but the term luge was used to describe some participants riding position. Most contestants stood up, however an opening in the rules enabled riders to choose their on-board position -- including prone. By 1978, repeated injuries to both riders and spectators halted the races at Signal Hill.

Several dedicated riders from the Signal Hill races kept the sport alive by continuing to hold races in Southern California. Throughout the 1980s and into the early 1990s, both underground and professional races continued to be held in Southern California by such organizations as the Underground Racers Association (URA), the Federation of International Gravity Racing (FIGR) and the Road Racers Association for International Luge (RAIL). Race organizers in the 1980s and 1990s started implementing many more equipment, safety and race regulations.

Meanwhile, in the early 1990s, some Austrian skateboarders started sitting down on their skateboards on the way back from teaching skiing in the Alps. This activity led to a classic style street luge race in Austria, riding wooden boards closer to large skateboards than the usual street luge, which is heavier, longer, has larger wheels and more trucks than a skateboard or classic luge. There is now a healthy street luge riding and racing presence in many European countries.

In the mid 1990s, ESPNs X Games introduced street luge to the world and the sport was originally sanctioned by RAIL, then by the International Gravity Sports Association (IGSA). NBC followed ESPNs lead and created the Gravity Games, where the sport was sanctioned by Extreme Downhill International (EDI). Smaller events also appeared in Canada, South Africa, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and the U.K. Qualification criteria for these events varied and was controlled by each of the sanctioning bodies.

While no longer a sport in either the X Games or Gravity Games, street luge is still a burgeoning sport in numerous countries, with competitions skateboarding tips the globe. There are approximately 1,200+ active street luge riders in the world.

The actual street luge itself hasnt changed too much since the sport began. Street lugers still ride modified skateboards in the prone position. The design of these boards is based on the rules set forth from different governing bodies. Luge design elements include:

1. The use of lean-activated steering skateboard style trucks.
2. The prohibited use of mechanical brakes.
3. Front and rear padding.
4. Length, width and weight restrictions -- details depend on sanctioning body.
5. The prohibited use of parts that enclose the riders body or hinder braking.

Current street luge boards are made from many materials including steel, aluminum, wood, and carbon fiber. The majority of the street luge boards are custom made, although commercial models are also now available. Actual board designs can vary, as the construction rules are extremely skateboarding tips and allow for numerous design considerations.

Riders participating in sanctioned racing events are required to wear safety equipment including: Hard shell helmet with chinstrap and face shield or goggles; leather or Kevlar racing suit; and leather or Kevlar gloves

Races are usually held on mountain roads but have also been held on city streets. Courses can range in length from 0.5 to 3 miles (1 to 5 km) and vary in layout, including the number and severity of turns.

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