Improve Your Golf Swing and Start Breaking 80

The Simple Swing was written by David Nevogt in 2006 and since that time it has been bought by people in over 30 countries around the world. David makes some pretty big claims about what you can achieve by reading his book and putting the techniques in to practice. He says that most people who read the book will cut 7 shots from their game - even more if you're a high handicap player - and the success rate is meant to be about 95%.

David maintains that the three biggest problems that people have when playing golf are being inconsistent, hooking or slicing the ball and not getting enough distance. As a skateboarding tips he set about trying to develop a simpler and more effective golf swing, in a scientific way, that could eliminate these problems for good. And The Simple Swing was born.

I was introduced to The Simple Golf Swing by a golf partner skateboarding tips mine. We both started golf around the same time (in our thirties) and we were always of a similar standard. For a long time we both used to shoot in the low nineties - not brilliant I know and neither of us had ever even broken 90. And then one day, after not having played together for a few weeks, we played a round at our local club and I just could not believe my eyes. My friend had the round of his life and shot 84. I thought it was just luck but then he told me about this book he'd bought online and how he'd been practising the techniques so of course I went straight home and got a copy for myself and the rest as they say is history.

In no time I was scoring in the mid eighties - still hadn't broken 80 - and I was over the moon. I was more consistent and my drives were longer, it was just fantastic. Some of the things that David teaches you seem to be the opposite of what you would expect. One of the these involves a technique which reduces your backswing. This may sound strange but the result is that your drives go further! And there's also a nifty method which enables you to hit more greens.

There are lots of testimonials on David's website from golfers who claim to have had amazing results. I have to say I was skeptical, but reassured by the no questions asked money back guarantee if not happy after 8 weeks.

The Simple Swing really is an excellent book and really stands out from the crowd. It is written in easy to understand language and rates a perfect 10 as far as I am concerned. For Free tips and advice to Improve Your Golf Swing please visit Will's site at

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