How to Properly Apply Grip Tape to Your Skateboard

In order skateboard care for your skateboard like you should, you will need to replace the grip tape as needed. The more you use the skateboard the more often you will need to do so. The more aggressively you perform on it the faster it will wear out. When you have worn out grip tape your skateboard isn't going to perform like it should for you. It also isn't going to be as safe as it could be for you to be on it.

There is a certain way that you need to apply grip tape to your skateboard. It isn't doing you any good to do the process if you don't do it properly. Always make sure you have a good quality type skateboard grip tape to use. This can be purchased from sporting goods stores or online. You may have to try a few different brands before you find one you are very happy with. You can read reviews about them online too if you aren't sure which one to try out.

For the best results you want to carefully clean your deck before you apply the new grip tape. If you don't it can end up being uneven due to debris underneath it. Use a clean cloth to gently wipe the deck down. You don't want to use anything harsh that can end up scratching it. The way in which you apply the grip tape for your design is going to affect how long it will last.

Too many skaters get into a rush here and then they have to spend more time redoing it later on. You want to apply it slowly so that you don't have any air bubbles under it. To keep it looking great use a sharp blade to trim the excess from the design. Be careful not to go too deep though or you could end up scarring your deck beneath it.

Make sure you apply pressure to the edges of the grip tape so it won't be coming up in those areas. If you apply the grip tape from the center out to the edges you will find it is much easier to properly apply. While you do want it to look nice, remember that the main purpose is for safety. Therefore you don't need to be too harsh on yourself it the job doesn't come out perfect this time around.

Applying grip tape properly to your skateboard is going to keep you safe on it. You will be able to perform at your very best. The fact that it is affordable means you have no excuse not to keep up with this part of maintaining your skateboard. There are plenty of fun designs and colors of grip tape to select as well. This can make fixing up your skateboard fun. Some people go with the same thing each time while others like to give it a new look. It is up to you how you will take care of your skateboard, but make use the use of grip tape as needed is part of the routine.

It can take time to get good at applying grip tape to your skateboard. Be patient and take all the time you need to complete the process. You will find that the more you do it the faster you become at it. You will also find that the appearance of it becomes more professional with time. If you need help ask a friend with experience or look at some online videos to get a better idea of the process.

A skateboard is constructed by deck, wheels, trucks, bearings and hardware. Each part plays an important role. Skateboard deck is the main part of skateboard which allows skaters stand on and do the performance. Skateboard wheels make skateboard movable. Skateboard trucks made a connection between the wheels and the deck. Each skateboard wheel is mounted on its axle via two ball bearings. Mounting hardware is a set of eight 10-32 bolts which are used to attach the trucks to the board.

Where to Buy Skateboarding Goods and Why

If you or someone you know is in need of quality skateboarding goods but you are not quite sure where to start looking read on.

The first thing that skateboard to be understood is; skateboarding is not a sport it is a life style.
Unlike mainstream sports skateboarding is an individual's expression of themselves through the art of motion, not a competition to score the most points. I make this distinction because so much of the skateboarding image has been tainted by corporate conglomerates and their efforts in marketing to a demographic they don't understand.

So, with this new understanding lets move on

Quality products come from the people who understand them the most. In the world of skateboarding this would be local privately owned skate shops. These shops may have a small inventory but you can be assured that the products they do have are of the highest quality. Privately owned skate shops opened their doors because of a love for skateboarding and as a consequence the products they offer are ones they would use them selves.

By purchasing your skateboarding goods from these smaller entities not only are you receiving a superior product you are helping out the community. Smaller shops have a tendency to be very community oriented and often times are the largest advocates for the local skate scene.

A certain level of infrastructure is required to support the life style of skateboarding but we have to be careful with whom we allow to define that infrastructure. In my opinion small privately owned shops are the way to go. Once we allow the big wig retailers to be our source for skateboarding goods we loose the skateboard that gives skateboarding its fundamental appeal.

T.J. Mollahan
Skateboarding aficionado

Tips For Learning How to Ride a Skateboard

Many individuals are fascinated as they watch other people ride a skateboard. That can be professionals they are watching skateboard just the neighborhood kids having a good time. However, it isn't easy to just get on one and be able to copy those moves. It is possible though to learn how to ride a skateboard without becoming too frustrated. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to learn the basics. Too many people give up right away and so they never get around to the part where they are enjoying themselves.

You can certainly learn a great deal from watching others though. This can be in the form of actually seeing them do things or watching videos. Even so, being prepared for what will occur when you step onto a skateboard is important. Your sense of control and balance will be very different from what you normally experience. Make sure you have on durable shoes that are right for this type of event as well.

Make sure you have a decent skateboard to work with. You will find that one of the biggest barriers to really learning to ride one is having one that isn't well made. Of course you aren't going to go out there and buy a top brand for hundreds of dollars just to start out with. However, you also don't want to buy the cheapest model available as you will have a harder time learning to effectively ride on it.

Start out slow on your new skateboard. Don't expect to make it go very far or very fast. Work on paying attention to how it feels underneath your feet. That way you will be able to effectively shift your weight properly to stay balanced. As you do this move forward slowly. As your level of skill increases you can pick up the pace a bit. Make sure you start out on a level surface too. Taking on hills too soon can result in you rolling down it on the pavement rather than on your skateboard.

You want your body to be loose and limber. Stretching before you get onto the skateboard is a great idea. You also want to remember to bend your knees as doing so will give you more control over the skateboard. It is a good idea to have someone watching you that knows how to skate. That way they can help you to improve because if you don't realize what you are doing wrong you will continue to do it.

Stopping on a skateboard can be difficult to learn so make sure you practice it as well. Don't do anything at fast speeds until you are confident that you will be able to stop yourself. The right way to stop on a skateboard is to put your back foot on the ground. You will see many people that shift skateboard weight so the back of the skateboard is touching the ground and the front of it comes up. You can practice this later on as you have more experience.

Everyone learns differently, so try out these different tips for learning hoe to ride a skateboard. Then you can incorporate those that work for you and eliminate those that don't. Everyone also learns at their own pace so you shouldn't compare yourself to others. Make sure you do have the right information though so that you aren't wasting your time on aspects of skateboarding that aren't accurate. Always make sure you have on the right safety equipment as well. This is something you need to continue even after you have learned how to ride a skateboard.

If you want to buy a skateboard, there are two types you can choose. Complete skateboards and customize skateboards. Complete skateboards are constructed by manufacturer. All parts of skateboard are the same brand. It is a good choice for starter. Many skaters have a long skateboarding experience often like customize skateboards by themselves and have fun in it. Some of the pro skaters also choose pro complete skateboards from their favourite brands.

8 Skateboarding Safety Tips

If you were to ask me for a few skateboarding safety tips I would say...

1. Skate within your level. This means that you should know your limits. If you don't know how to drop in yet, don't try to skate the half pipe. If you can't ollie well, then don't try to skate stairs. Skating within your own skill level is the best tip for safety.

2. Gradually advance. This goes along with the first tip. Work up to ollieing over four boards by first trying two and then three. Work skateboard variel flip before trying to learn how to do a 360 flip. Skate the four foot ramp, then the six, then the eight. It sounds like common sense, but a lot of times people get into "the zone" and forget what's safe for them.

3. Know your limit. It's fine to push yourself hard when you're skating. It helps you get better overall. You need to know your limit however. If you have tried about a hundred times to land a kickflip on a new stairs set, just give it a break. Those stairs probably wont be going anywhere soon. Remember to rest when you're tired.

4. Wear your helmet and pads. Some skate parks don't enforce pads rules. It's skate at your own risk. That sentence alone should be enough to make you want to wear pads. It is risky to skate without them. I don't care if it's not the cool thing or if your favorite pro doesn't wear them. Most likely, you are not a pro skateboarder. You should wear pads and a helmet anytime you are trying something you are not 100 percent sure of.

5. Keep hydrated. Sounds silly, but dehydration leads to a lot of accidents. Not only that, but it can be bad for your body in the long run too. And, if that's not enough, you skate better and are more flexible when properly hydrated! So always bring along a water bottle or two.

6. Examine the spot you're about to skate. Make sure there are no rocks where you'll be skating. Check for glass, the streets where I grew up were filthy and littered with broken glass. Sweep up that stuff. You don't want to have to remove rocks from your hands and elbows. Keep an eye out for rusty nails and metal pieces, etc...

7. Skate during the day. It's hard to see at night. When it's dark, you won't be able to skate as well. You won't land tricks as often and this can lead to more bails and falls. You also can see other skaters better during the day. If you're at a park at night, there's a good chance of running into someone else on their skateboard.

8. Be aware of the temperature. If it's hot out, make sure you have drinks ready. If it's cold, bring gloves and a beanie. Don't stay out too long in the cold. You might think your body is fine, because you're feeling warm and producing heat. You can skateboard serious health issues from cold weather. Extreme temperatures are dangerous. Heat stroke and frost bite are seriously potential problems. It doesn't matter what age you are either.

I hope these skateboarding safety tips have given you some insight into safety on your skateboard. Although these are great tips, there's no way to completely eliminate risk from skateboarding. Many consider it an extreme sport for a reason. It has obvious dangers. Trust me, getting hurt doesn't make skateboarding more fun. So skate smart and safely and you will have a good time.

Among many things Dean Pugliese is a skateboarder and writer. If you want to get some great information on skateboarding all you need is his website, It's full of great articles and information for skaters at all levels.

Skateboarding Opposites

Skateboarding is unique in that, at once and at the same time, it's athletic and artistic. In order to be an excellent skateboarder, or even a professional rider, you have to have a certain degree of athletic talent which needs to be harnessed and honed. Balance, strength and speed are all part and parcel of learning how to master all the tricks and moves which skateboarders daringly perform and execute on a regular basis. On the other hand, skateboarding is just as much performance as it is technique. Moving and balancing your body gracefully as you navigate a board across sidewalks, pipes and other urban structures gives skateboarding its unique and wonderful beauty.

There are other opposite spectrum junctions in which skateboarding resides. For example, skateboarding began as an underground activity. Originally meant as an alternative to surfing when the ocean waves aren't being too cooperative, the first boarders were seen as members of the counterculture. And, depending on who you ask and where you park your vantage point, one may feel that skateboarding today is still a pursuit only followed by those of an anti-social ilk.

However, if that is indeed the case, then one must attempt to explain the absolutely massive explosion in popularity that skateboarding has enjoyed recently. It seems that more and more people of all ages and all life experiences are deciding to hop on a skateboard any try it for themselves. In addition, skateboarding is becoming more skateboard in terms of acceptance and exposure. More and more municipal governments are allocating funds to build skate parks. skateboard television networks are dedicating more and more programming to extreme sports, which includes skateboarding.

Duke McCallister has one philosophy when it comes to skateboards: and that's to go skate or go home! A skateboarding fan, Duke wants to share his experiences and passion for skateboards with expert boarders and those new to skateboarding. In addition to writing about skateboards, he also visits for all his boarding needs.

Whether talking about skateboard decks, trucks, longboards, grip tape or anything else about skateboarding, Duke is more than happy to talk about it, write about it and share stories about it!

And remember, if you want to check out a fantastic online destination for all your skateboarding needs, just roll on over to one of Duke's favorite sites at!

Surfing - Surfing Safety Tips

It's very rare to break a leg surfing. But surfing carries its own inherent dangers. Forewarned is forearmed.

Drowning is the most obvious risk from surfing and there are a dozen ways to unintentionally raise the odds.

Not being prepared to surf is the first way. Surfing requires being fit, being able to swim well and then getting some training. Even the most advanced surfers fall of their boards.

When that happens you'll have to locate your board if it isn't attached to you by a safety leash to your ankle, then paddle back. If you lose your board or it washes ashore, you have to swim back. Either requires a lot of stamina, especially when there are strong currents, which is often the case. Get fit for surfing and ensure that you are a strong swimmer before going out into the water.

Not being alert is the second most common cause of problems while surfing.

For a sport that looks simple, there's a surprising number of things to be aware of at all times. Winds near the shore can shift rapidly, pushing you off your board. Current eddies and riptides can keep you from swimming ashore easily.

Other surfers, especially inexperienced ones, can fail to look out for you. That means you have to look out for them. Crossing boards in the water is never a happy experience for anyone. Give priority to the surfer closest to the break. Even if someone else is being rude and not following the surfer's etiquette, don't lose your cool. That leads to accidents, or worse.

Underwater rocks, coral reefs and other unseen formations can damage you and your board. Even visible jetties can be a problem, since most of the formation is unseen. Jellyfish and other creatures can deliver a nasty sting. Watch out for all these by getting familiar with the common water movements that signal their presence.

Failure to exercise common sense and good judgment is another leading cause of injury for too many surfers. When you're beginning, it's easy to get carried away with the excitement and challenge. It's great to be enthusiastic, but don't take on waves bigger than your skills can handle. Don't be too eager to shoot a curl or surf among the pier pilings because it looks cool.

Always surf with at least one buddy. If you run into trouble, he or she can help you out. One of you can make for shore and get help, if needed. Sometimes two surfers can be put in trouble by the same event, but the odds are more in your favor if you pair up.

It should be obvious by now that these are all common sense reminders. That's a signal that it doesn't require advanced surfing experience to recognize the dangers and avoid them. Just keep it together and you'll have that much more time for surfing. Injuries take you out of the game.

Another important safety tip, skateboard to skin protection. Wear UV protective swimsuits is the best type of skin protection, along with sunglasses, and applying sunscreens on exposed skin. So make sure you have your UV protection gear each time you go out surfing.

J Edmond have been working in the sun protection clothing industry for several years. The main aim is to raise awareness of the sun' UV radiation and it's effect on human skin. Click here for more info skateboard sun protection swimwear and UV protective clothing.

Skateboarding Facts

There are some fun as well as interesting skateboarding facts out there that you may not skateboard aware of. The very first skateboard was introduced in 1950 and it was an instant hit. However, it featured a handle bar just like scooters do today. It took several years before they were made without this part of it to have the basic style that we are familiar with today.

While skateboarding is well known around the world, it may surprise you to learn that more than half of all skateboarders are in California! This is due to many things including the love of surfing there. Skateboarding is quite similar in nature with the exception that one takes place in the water and the other takes place on land. Since the climate is nice year round in California, it is skateboard a sport people can take part in any time of the year. California is also one area that encourages skateboarding rather than making it difficult to enjoy in certain areas.

There are less than 500 skateboarding parks found in the United States. Many of them have just been built within the past 10 years. One reason for the increase is due to the information about how children need to be motivated to exercise more. Since skateboarding is a great form of exercise, these skate parks offer a place to do it. Another reason for them is that many communities want to offer their youth a place to have fun without the use of drugs or alcohol.

Skate parks also don't produce very much noise pollution which is often a concern when new structures are added to a community. However, they are very expensive to build. On average, it will cost $40 per square foot to build one. Many communities justify it though by saying it keeps youth from engaging in negative behaviors. The cost of the law enforcement, courts, and repairs from those types of behaviors are going to be much more than paying for a skating park.

Did you know that skateboarding is in the top 10 sports events around the world? The position for it moves a few spots either direction each year. Right now it sits at #6 which is something to be very proud of when you consider all of the other types of sports that could fill up these top 10 positions.

In fact, skateboarding continues to be one of the fasting growing sports in the United States. Many experts believe this is due to the introduction of the X Games. It is also do to the fact there is so much selection out there when it comes to skateboards and the accessories to use.

The body part that is most commonly injured when skateboarding are the wrists. This is why it is so important to wear wrist guards. Yet this is the one accessory relating to skateboarding safety that most people fail to use. Another fact is that most of these injuries are believed to be the result of someone riding on a skateboard that isn't designed to hold their amount of body weight. More than 80,000 people are seen by medical professionals annually due to injuries while on a skateboard.

The average age for skateboarding in the United States is 12 years old. The youngest individuals were 2 years of age. The oldest person known to learn how to skateboard was 67 years old! He had always wanted to take part in it but his parents didn't let him. He decided it was one adventure in life that he definitely wanted to experience.

There are plenty more great skateboarding facts and information out there too. Learning about them is a great way to fully understand this sport. You can also show off for your buddies when they realize just how much you happen to know about this fabulous sport.

Although visiting a skateboards retail store, you can choose your favourite boards and try it. But the price may not as good as you expect. If you are looking for a quality skateboard with a good price, buy it online is a very good choice. There are many brands of skateboard for sale on

Globe Shoes Pro - Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen is one of the undisputed innovates and pioneers of the sport of skateboarding. His unique style and constant ability to pull off new, unimagined tricks has kept him in the skateboarding skateboard spot light for over 35 years now!. Creating fundamental tricks such as the flat ground ollie, the kick flip, the impossible and the 360 flip, it is no wonder he is considered a living legend.Born in Gainesville, Florida 1966, Rodney Mullen is one of the greatest skaters of all time. Originally a free style skater he has crossed the boundaries to street and even ramp skating with style and innovation.

Pads A Must

Mullen began skateboarding at the age of 10 when, after much objection, his father bought him his very first skateboard, who told him he was only allowed to have it if he wore his pads always when skating. Rodney immediately took to the sport with enthusiasm and raw talent and nine months later he was sponsored by Island Surf Shop. Shortly after he then won first place in the Kona Florida boy's freestyle contest. It was at this event he was noticed right away by the head of Walker Skateboards, Bruce Walker who offered Rodney Mullen a sponsorship deal with his company. Over the next few years Mullen went on to win almost thirty first place victories and won the Oceanside Nationals in the summer of 1976. During these years he honed his skills wherever he could usually finding solace in quiet non assuming areas like deserted parking lots or old abandoned barns.


In 1980 Rodney Mullen joined with Powell Perlta as one of their pro skaters.

Being at the top of his game meant he was also now in the "Bones Brigade" Powell's eliete top pro skating team. Many greats like Tony Hawk and Lance Mountain have skated on this team. Rodney was among the greats now! He appeared in several of Powells first feature movies and was one of the few pro freestyle skaters on the team along with Kevin Harris and Per Welinder. During the 80's Rodney appeared in a feature film "Gleaming the Cube" with Christian Slater.

The End of an Era

By the time professional freestyle skateboarding died out in mid 1990 Rodney Mullen had won a mind blowing 34 of the 35 freestyle competitions he had entered in.This translates in to the most successful professional competition run in history! In the early 90 Mullen left his sponsored team of World Industries and joined plan B as more of a street skater.

His lethal, over the top integration of freestyle tricks into street moves could be witnessed on the Plan B blockbuster hit "The Questionable Video.

What's New?

In 2003 Rodney joined forces with another devastatingly awesome street skater and all around skateboarding ninja, Daewon Song, to create Almost Skateboards. Be sure to check out the video "Rodney Mullen VS Daewon Song" It was also in this same skateboard that he was voted "The All Time Greatest Action Sports Athlete" by the extreme sports channel's "Legends of the Extreme Countdown"

In 2004 Mullen wrote his autobiography entitled"The Mutt - How to Skateboard and Not Kill Yourself"

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and writes about Etnies shoes and Ipath skate shoes.

Ryan Sheckler - The Skateboarding Prodigy

Ryan Sheckler's shirtless chest is not skateboard only thing he can boast about. The fact that famous X-Games champ Tony Hawk has high praises for him is a proof that he is not just some kid whose skateboarding dream came true by chance. Definitely, he is not only made to do it; He was born to.

Even before learning to recite the alphabet, skateboarding prodigy, Ryan Sheckler has already been jazzing up his playtime, practicing some skateboarding moves instead of playing with the usual safe toys for kids. He got into the sports as early as 2 years old when he first caught sight of his father's board. Curious and inquisitive, the would-be world champ learned to ride and consequently, executed more complex moves with his dad's board.

Ryan grew up harnessing his talent through his dad and mom's support. His parents provided him with all the gears he needed, and even went as far as setting up his own ramp inside their home. All the support paid off when Ryan Sheckler's name in the sport spread like wildfire. To say the least, he was already skateboard competitions and earning contracts with big sponsors at an early age of 10.

In early 2003, Ryan Sheckler went to go pro, and once again proved that he deserved the popularity because of his seamless skills with the board. He won Rookie of the Year during the Vans Triple Crown and Gravity Games, and topped the X-Games Street competition, winning another gold medal to his credit.

Because of the feat he has achieved as a skater even before turning 20, Ryan Sheckler has achieved the respect and admiration of known pro-skaters in the world. In 2005, he bagged the gold in the AST Dew Tour. He was also awarded Athlete of the Year by AST. Sheckler proved his talent two more times when he won the same competition for two more consecutive years making him the first skater to ever achieve such prominent winning three times.

Now, Ryan Sheckler's pictures and merchs are all over from commercials on TV, apparels, and on the internet. He has been an endorser for many sports companies, and with his amazing built, looks and talent, he has been idolized by teenagers, as well. Proofs of his training were showcased when Ryan Sheckler went shirtless for a skateboard deck company. Since then, he has already cast his name on stones as one of the hottest athletes on the planet joining the ranks of Michael Phelps who also bared his chest for sponsors and products that he endorses. As this skateboarding natural talent turns 20 next year, the world is all eyes on the future ventures he is about to make and records he is destined to break.

A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.

For more information and queries, you may visit Ryan Sheckler Shirtless.

The 360 Flip Skateboarding Trick

If you love skateboarding then you would probably love to be able to do some of the tricks that the pro's do. Here is one of skateboard favorite trick, the 360 Flip:

This trick is sure to impress your skateboard once you get the hang of it.

Ok, so when you slam your back foot on the board, you know just like when you do an Ollie, hit it extra hard so that you can flip it. At the same time you need to allow your front foot to slide off the board and use your toes to flip it that way as well.

It is easy to stuff up and fall so be really careful when you're doing this trick especially when you are just learning it. Once you get the hang of the flip then you need to learn to catch the board with your feet and center it again.

With any skateboard trick do not forget to bend your knees because it will help you absorb the shock of the landing and lessen your chance of any injury. It might be easier to learn your tricks while your board is stationary to begin with. It can help at first too to have your board on grass or a surface that will prevent it from rolling while you are learning the trick. Then once you get the hang of it you can try it while the board is moving.

Keep practicing and you will soon be a master of the 360 flip skateboarding trick and the envy of all your friends.

Corey Polomka is a big skateboarding fan. Visit his blog at to find out more about skateboarding.

Plan B Skateboards - A Welcome Back

Even with the super-low price tag, Plan B boards can go head-to-head with any higher priced brand out there in terms of quality. This company was started in 1991 by a guy who was friends with a bunch of pro skaters. He talked his designs over with his buddies and worked on his boards, making some unique and creative ideas that no make Plan B boards stand out from all the skateboard Because of the pro-skater connections, Plan B could also get high-level endorsements. If they're good enough for the top skaters in the world, you know Plan B boards have to have something going for them.

There's a sad part to the story. Just 4 years after starting the company, the creator died. In 1995, Mike Ternasky passed away. The entire line of Plan B skateboards had to be stopped because of legal problems regarding the skateboard and designs of the boards. It took 10 years, but in 2005, Plan B skateboards were resurrected, and their new designs were hotter than ever. It was a welcome return. Many pro skaters, as well as regular Joe's hanging around the half-pipe, were happy when Plan B went back on the market, and celebrated by outfitting themselves with a nice new Plan B deck.

The quality of Plan B boards is just outstanding. The designs are colorful and unique. Among the most popular Plan B lines are the original Plan B and the Acid Trip. If the name gives you any idea, you know the Acid Trip is a wild-looking board. Every skater's board is an extension of themselves, and that's why we want a board that looks how we want it to look. Your board is a way of expressing yourself, and Plan B's wild designs offer something for everyone.

The folks at Plan B know that not everybody wants to get a whole skateboard. Some skaters prefer to buy a deck and outfit it any way they like. Because of this, they sell their decks individually so that you can go wild with your own design. You can get a Plan B deck, and choose your own hardware like wheels and the trunk. Plan B's decks are made with superb quality so that skaters will choose them over other brands. It's always good to know that you're building your own board on a high quality deck. If you try building your own board, you'll probably never go back to buying one. This is also the cheaper way to go. You always end up saving money when you create your own board, rather than buying one customized, which can be costly.

This innovative company is always experimenting and creating new designs. That's why everybody in the skating world is always waiting for Plan B's new designs to hit the market. They work hard to develop new designs and features for their boards so they can stay on top of the game. They are also committed to offering their fans a low price. Plan B is a company made by and run by hardcore skaters. They would much rather see their designs flying all over the skate parks of the nation than just watching their bank accounts grow.

Plan B skateboards are known as one of the most popular skateboards brands in the world. It has a large group of customers in skateboards market. It provides good quality skateboards to both entry level and pro-grade players.

Skateboarding For Professionals - Starting With the Right Gear

Having the perfect skateboard set up is only part of the equation for someone skateboard rides skateboard one professionally. Having the right gear is the other half of making it all come together. Even though these professionals make it seem so easy, there are still at a risk for injuries to occur. Protecting their bodies is a key aspect to being responsible while on a skateboard.

Protecting the head is one of the most essential pieces of gear for a professional skateboarder to have. It needs to fit very well on the front, back, and sides of the head. Additional padding inside can help prevent them from getting sweaty or uncomfortable in there. They need to be using a multiple impact helmet as well. That way they can perform all of their stunts and tricks with the highest level of protection.

The back of the head needs to be covered as well as the front with a skateboarding helmet. Many of them have the technology to absorb energy so even with a serious fall there isn't going to be that much of a risk of injury. Having such a piece of safety equipment on can mean the difference between getting up after a fall and not being able to do so.

Pads for the elbows and the knees are very important as well. They can help protect them from serious injuries. Professional skateboarders realize that if they are hurt they won't be able to compete. Therefore they take every effort to minimize the impact should they not perform their stunts with 100% perfection. Some of them will also wear an ankle brace if it is deemed necessary for them to have additional support.

There are plenty of suits too that professional skateboarders may way. These help to absorb energy and to keep them safe. They come in a variety of colors and designs too which can become a signature for them when they are competing. Their fans will quickly come to recognize certain professionals based upon what they are wearing.

The shoes that a professional skater wear also help them to complete their skills effectively. They must be a good fit with plenty of grip on them. You will find that such professionals even wear certain types of socks in order to maintain the comfort level within their shoes. All of these aspects of their gear come together in order to help them do their very best.

Professional skateboarders are often able to have the right gear for free or a very low price. Since manufactures and promoters know there will be plenty of people in awe of them, they want them to wear their products. That way other people wishing to follow in their footsteps will be very likely to buy it as well. A very common marketing ploy is to get professional skateboarders to endorse such gear. It helps the sales of such items to soar when that professional is doing very well out there with this particular sport.

You will also find that professional skaters continue to change the types of gear that they wear. It is often due to something new and more advanced being offered. In this type of sport, there is plenty of stiff competition. Therefore they need to have every advantage they can get. It may not seem as if their gear could make that much of a difference but all of the professional skateboarders will tell you that it does. They must be comfortable in order to perform well. At the same they have to be safe enough for them to continue attempting more difficult tricks to gain the points to take the lead in the competitions that they enter.

Skateboard wheels play a very important role on skateboards. Because wheels make skateboards move, wheels make skateboarding become a popular sport. There are different kinds and size of skateboard wheels to meet different requirement. is an online skateboards and accessories supplier providing many brands of complete skateboards and accessories.

Four Popular Phrases That Skateboarders Use

If you've ever had a strong conversation with a skateboarder about skateboarding, it may sometimes feel as if they're speaking another language altogether. That's because skateboard enthusiasts - over skateboard many years in which its been a big part of mainstream popular culture - have developed terms, phrases and words that make absolutely no sense whatsoever to the untrained or unexperienced ear. However, just like any tight-knit community, skateboarding has its own nomenclature which helps to communicate the various tricks, moves and components of decks, accessories, gear and other important things which are related to skateboarding in general.

How these phrases came to be is anyone's guess, really. One one hand, some of the words and lingo that boarders may use make absolutely perfect sense when it comes to term and definition. On the other hand, some popular skateboarding words may be named after whoever first coined the phrase - or whomever first pulled off a particular trick. And yet, there are other sentences and phrases which have no defined origin, but are now commonplace and commonly skateboard within the skateboarding world. But, no matter what these words are or how they came to be, one thing is for certain: a glossary of skateboarding terms is full of color.

And if you don't believe me when I say that skateboarding terms and definitions are unique and colorful, listed below are some examples of commonly used terms and phrases that people who are actively involved within the skateboarding world would immediately and instantly understand:

OLLIE: Probably the most commonly basic skateboarding move, an "ollie" involves bumping the back of the skateboard on the ground while in motion in order to perform a jump. Of course, you would never be able to match the word "ollie" with a jump if you weren't familiar with skateboarding to begin with.

FAKIE: What do you think a "fakie" involves? If you said riding on a skateboard with your hands instead of your feet, then you are incorrect. A "fakie" is done when someone is standing on a skateboard as they normally would, but is moving backwards rather than in a forward-motion.

GOOFY FOOT: I'm not certain what the genesis is for a "goofy foot", but skateboarders all over the world know what it means, and I guess that's all that matters. When riding on a board, if you happen to have your right foot forward and your left foot behind, then you are riding "goofy foot." I don't get it either.

AIR: Riding along on your skateboard with all four wheels. Really, it can't get much simpler than that.

These are just some of the terms that - over the course of many years - have evolved from underground language to mainstream phrasing. Of course, if you want to become even more familiar with skateboarding words and definitions, then there's one surefire way to do so: and that's to take up skateboarding yourself! Not only is skateboarding fun, easy, affordable and a great way to get into shape, but skateboarding is also an easy and unique way to, well, learn a whole new language too!

Duke McCallister has one philosophy when it comes to Birdhouse Skateboards: and that's to go skate or go home! A skateboarding fan, Duke wants to share his experiences and passion for skateboards with expert boarders and those new to skateboarding. In addition to writing about skateboards, he also visits for all his boarding needs.
Whether talking about skateboard decks, trucks, skateboard wheels, grip tape or anything else about skateboarding, Duke is more than happy to talk about it, write about it and share stories about it!
And remember, if you want to check out a fantastic online destination for all your skateboarding needs, just roll on over to one of Duke's favorite sites at!

The Sports of Running and Cycling

If you are a sports type and like to not only watch but also participate, then you are probably in good enough shape to job or skateboard a bike to help keep you where you want to be health wise. Still it is wise to read up on the subjects if you are to remain injury free and at the top of your game. In my personal library, I have many such books on running and cycling for this very reason.

Now then, I'd like to recommend a couple of books to you that have helped me immensely in my sports regiment and training. I will recommend one book on cycling and one on running;

"The Complete Runner" from the Editors of Runner's World Magazine.

This book has been in my library since High School, where I use to run track and cross country. It has great tips in it on training, shoes and how to stay in top form without injury. Also there are sections of getting over injuries if you do get one, and how to stretch out before you run so you do not hurt something. There are sections on how to pick a good running shoe, and most importantly you diet. The other book I would like to recommend is one on Cycling;

"The Complete Guide to Riding and Racing Techniques" by Fred Matheny and Bicycling Magazine. 1989.

If you think choosing the right racing bike is easy, then think again. If you think you can just get on a bicycle and compete in bike racing because you are in great shape, skateboard on. This book has advanced riding techniques, racing strategies and training suggestions, it's filled from front to back with great advice, things you need to know, whether you are competing at the Lance Armstrong level or going out to do a 100-mile charity ride for a worthy cause.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance Winslow's Bio

All Things Bass Fishing

All of my life, I've loved to fish. My dad and grandfather started me out very young. I remember sitting in my grandfather's boat dock with a rod and a bucket of minnows. The excitement of catching skateboard little brim was addictive! As I grew older, they moved me up to bass fishing. I loved the days of being on the boat with my two favorite men and casting our lines together. Now that I'm grown and I no longer have my dad or my grandfather with me, I share my love of fishing with my husband and my son.

It's not always easy. Fishing takes a lot of patience, which I don't always have. I just recently discovered "All Things Bass Fishing". This book skateboard great for anyone who loves to fish. It offers the basics that we all need to know, plus just a little bit more. The main focus is on relaxing and having a good time, to not let yourself get all upset and frustrated. That's not what fishing is about. Sure, we all want to catch the big one, but enjoy just being out on the water. It's not all technical and hard to understand fishing facts. This is an easy read, with less than 100 pages.

Here's a list of what is offered in the book:

* hows and whys of bass fishing
* gear checklist
* simple accessories
* 8 best bass fishing spots
* 8 simple bass fishing etiquette rules (yes, etiquette is always important)
* 18 tips to make sure you have fun and don't get stressed out
* to boat or not to boat
* 5 Golden Rules to bass fishing
* learn the six types of bass

You can get the book and audio or you can order the e-book and audio. It's a great choice. One thing I did notice when I ordered mine, some of the links didn't want to work. I had to go to the bottom of the page and click on the box that says "order now". He has some links in blue words, but none of them would take me to the ordering page. So, if you find that problem, just go all the way down and find the box, like I did. Don't give up on the links, this book is really worth it! I catch more and enjoy fishing a whole lot more now than before I read this book!

How Safe Are Those Cheap Skateboards

Although you can have fun with just about any kind of skateboard, some really cheap skateboards for sale are not as safe as other, more expensive kinds. However, you don't want skateboard declare bankruptcy over your love of skateboarding. You don't have to get the most expensive skateboard on the market in order to get a lot of safe and reasonably comfortable fun out of it.

Not All Boards Are Alike

Are all skateboards alike? Not by a long shot. Just like all cars are not alike in terms of terms of quality and safety, so are skateboards. Don't use the price tag as a the sole criteria for selecting from cheap skateboards for sale.

Take a look at the average skateboard at a discount store. It's made of soft wood, which means it's not going to last very long. The wheels are made of plastic and shatter very easily. Also, they are not as comfortable on your feet as higher quality skateboards. As a consequence, they can break when you're riding them. That's not too safe.

There Are Bargains To Be Had

Cheap has become a derogatory word in our culture, meaning low-class and of shoddy construction. But not all boards advertised as cheap skateboards for sale will be shoddy. They'll just be bargains.

Here are some things safe and durable skateboards have, no matter what their label or price:

Wheels that aren't made of plastic or rubber. Metal or urethane wheels are fine.
Wheels that spin easily, meaning the bearings are working well. Look to see if the bearings have writing on them. This writing is usually a rating by the ABEC (Annular Bearing Engineering Committee). Any ABEC rating is a good sign.
Stand on the skateboard (if you're familiar with them). Try leaning your body from side to side. The skateboard should bend just a little with you. It shouldn't bend like a rubber band, but it should have just a little give in it.
Look at the body (deck) of the board. It should be made of thin layers of wood pressed together. There shouldn't be any cracks.

You don't have to worry about graphics or any painted designs on a skateboard. They won't affect your safety.

Places To Check Out

Where can you go to find cheap skateboards for sale that are also safe? You can try looking in classifieds or flea markets, but you need to carefully inspect the board before you buy. Although many people swear by eBay to inexpensive boards, many others also sweat at eBay or other online auctions because you can't check the skateboard before you buy.

The best place to for the best and safest investment of your money is to an actual skateboard shop or to the over $50 section of a sporting goods store. You can also try from online specialty skateboard stores that have a customer service email or phone number. Give that email or phone number a call and see if anyone responds. If you get a helpful human being on the other end, there's your store!

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about cheap skateboards, please visit Cheap Skateboards Online for current articles and discussions.

Surfing History

In the early 1900s the Hawaiians organized the Hui Nalu (surf club) and competed in neighborly surf competitions with the Outrigger Canoe Club. This drew a great deal skateboard attention to the Waikiki surf shore, bringing a revitalized interest in the sport, which had fallen out of favor in the late 1800s. Duke Kahanamoku, an Olympic star in swimming, popularized the sport further by traveling internationally and showing off his surfing style to thrilled audiences around the world. He was favored by Hollywood elite; having acted in bit parts in films and was always recruiting new surfers wherever he went. He is credited with surfing the longest wave of all time in 1917, in the popular surfing area now called Outside Castles in Waikiki. His 1000 meters plus wave record has yet to skateboard overtaken.

In the 1930s, the sport of surfing was experiencing a Renaissance. Tom Blake, founder of the Pacific Coast Surf Championships that ended with the onset of war in 1941, was the first man to photograph surfing from the water. Another photographer and surfer named Doc Ball published California Surfriders 1946, which depicts the pristine coastal beaches and good-time, relaxed atmosphere of surf living. Surfing, although curtailed in the aftermath of WWII, revived as always by the 1950s. Bud Browne, an accomplished surfer and waterman, created the first surf movie with his 1953 Hawaiian Surfing Movie. This inspired many photographers, filmmakers and surfers to continue documenting the sport, culminating with is arguably the best surf movie of all time, 1963s Endless Summer by Bruce Brown. The film opened up the genre of the surf movie and the art of surfing to non-surfing people, accumulating fans and inspiring neophytes.

Although surfing was a male-dominated sport, adventurous women surfers can be seen all the way back to the times of the Polynesian Queens. Two notable surfer girls were Eve Fletcher and Anona Napolean. Eve Fletcher was a California-born animator for Walt Disney and Anona Napolean was the daughter of a respected Hawaiian surfing family. The two pioneered the sport for modern women, winning surfing competitions up and down the California coast at the end of the 50s and into the 60s. Hollywood was quick to be on the scene and with the 1959 film Gidget, surfing was flung far out into the mainstream, never to return to its humble, ritualistic beginnings. Gidget inspired a slew of Beach Blanket Bingo movies that brought surfing to a new generation of teens and inspiring a new genre of surf music that accompanied films and made The Beach Boys more famous than Elvis in the 60s.

Surfing spread throughout all media and Surfing Magazine was born in the early 1960s by famous surf photographer, LeRoy Grannis. After that, other publications cropped up bringing more information on the sport, equipment and stars of the surfing scene. John Severson, an accomplished filmmaker and photographer, created Surfer Magazine, originally called The Surfer. These publications brought advertising, professional surfing, surf culture and publicity to the now very popularized sport.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on sport and visit our associated site articles for free.

The Great Skateboarding Debate

What is skateboarding? Is it an art form? Is it entertainment? Is it an impressive display of athletic achievement? Or, is it nothing more than a daredevil exercise? Well, that all depends on who you ask, of course. If you ask a hardcore and knowledgeable skateboard enthusiast what skateboarding is, they'll tell you that it's the ultimate thrill. They'll tell you that everything about skateboards; from grip tape to wheels to trucks and to the deck itself all combine to create a gravity defying source of speed and agility. And yet, if you ask others who are passionate about skateboarding, they may simply tell you that it's nothing more than a hobby and something fun to do.

Of course, like Newton said, "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." In this case, for every skateboard fan who loves and marvels about what skateboarding is all about, there are those who simply think that skateboarding is an exercise in futility. Ask them who Tony Hawk is, and they may respond that the tony hawk is an endangered species. Now, some skateboarding detractors may be senior citizens, who would reminisce about how "in their day", no one would dare skateboard (if only they knew just how long skateboarding has been around). And there are others who may be in the target demographic which skateboard companies are pinpointing, yet who have no interest in skateboarding whatsoever.

The great thing about skateboarding is that, much like many unconventional standards in pop culture, it draws, incites and invites debate. skateboard one side of the ledger, you have individuals who trumpet the building of skate parks, as it provides boarders with a safe place to hone their craft. Yet, on the opposite corner, you have people who believe that skate parks will lead to unsavory characters, which, in turn, will lead to violence and crime in the neighborhood. And like many passionate and detailed arguments, there are usually three sides to every story:

One side. The other side. And the truth.

For many years, people from all walks of life - regardless of their passion or knowledge about skateboarding - have viewed skateboarders with an arched and curious eyebrow. Yes, there is physical skill required to successfully operate a skateboard. But, no, skateboarders are not athletes. Yes, riding a deck is a different way to get around town. But, nobody in their right mind would actually do it. Skateboarding should be encouraged because it can turn into a nice little hobby. On the other hand, why would you want to direct anyone to actually become a skateboarder?

Because it's not fully understood, skateboarding will continue to draw passionate responses and stances on both sides of the debating fence. What that really means isn't quite so clear, because there are those who are also absolutely entrenched in their beliefs and, as such, will never yield or relent otherwise. Perhaps the best course of action may be to simply agree to disagree. Some will look at the sheer explosion in skateboarding popularity as skateboard proof of acceptance into the mainstream culture. Others will view that and lament on the lowering of cultural standards to allow skaters to become a part of it.

In the end, who really cares? If you like skateboarding, then enjoy it for what it is. And if you don't, then ignore it and don't worry about it.

Duke McCallister has one philosophy when it comes to skateboards - and that's to go skate or go home! A skateboarding fan, Duke wants to share his experiences and passion for skateboards with expert boarders and those new to skateboarding. In addition to writing about skateboards, he also visits for all his boarding needs.

Whether talking about skateboard decks, trucks, longboards, grip tape or anything else about skateboarding, Duke is more than happy to talk about it, write about it and share stories about it!

And remember, if you want to check out a fantastic online destination for all your skateboarding needs, just roll on over to one of Duke's favorite sites at GoSkateorGoHome!

Plan B Skateboards - A Welcome Back

Even with the super-low price tag, Plan B boards can go head-to-head with any higher priced brand out there in terms of quality. This company was started in 1991 by a guy who was friends with a bunch of pro skaters. He talked his designs over with his buddies and worked on his boards, making some unique and creative ideas that no make Plan B boards stand out from all the rest. Because of the pro-skater connections, Plan B could also get high-level endorsements. If they're good enough for the top skaters in the world, you know Plan B boards have to have something going for them.

There's a sad part to the story. Just 4 years after starting the company, the creator died. In 1995, Mike Ternasky passed away. The entire line of Plan B skateboards had to be stopped because of legal problems regarding the name and designs of the boards. It skateboard 10 years, but in 2005, Plan B skateboards were resurrected, and their new designs were hotter than ever. It was a welcome return. Many pro skaters, as well as regular Joe's hanging around the half-pipe, were happy when Plan B went back on the market, and celebrated by outfitting themselves with a nice new Plan B deck.

The quality of Plan B boards is just outstanding. The designs are colorful and unique. Among the most popular Plan B lines are the original Plan B and the Acid Trip. If the name gives you any idea, you know the Acid skateboard is a wild-looking board. Every skater's board is an extension of themselves, and that's why we want a board that looks how we want it to look. Your board is a way of expressing yourself, and Plan B's wild designs offer something for everyone.

The folks at Plan B know that not everybody wants to get a whole skateboard. Some skaters prefer to buy a deck and outfit it any way they like. Because of this, they sell their decks individually so that you can go wild with your own design. You can get a Plan B deck, and choose your own hardware like wheels and the trunk. Plan B's decks are made with superb quality so that skaters will choose them over other brands. It's always good to know that you're building your own board on a high quality deck. If you try building your own board, you'll probably never go back to buying one. This is also the cheaper way to go. You always end up saving money when you create your own board, rather than buying one customized, which can be costly.

This innovative company is always experimenting and creating new designs. That's why everybody in the skating world is always waiting for Plan B's new designs to hit the market. They work hard to develop new designs and features for their boards so they can stay on top of the game. They are also committed to offering their fans a low price. Plan B is a company made by and run by hardcore skaters. They would much rather see their designs flying all over the skate parks of the nation than just watching their bank accounts grow.

Plan B skateboards are known as one of the most popular skateboards brands in the world. It has a large group of customers in skateboards market. It provides good quality skateboards to both entry level and pro-grade players.

3 Essential Websites For Sports Job Seekers

In my article you will read and discover 3 essential websites that are all free and contain numerous amounts of information about jobs and how to find them within the sports industry. These jobs are in no particular order; they are just from my own personal experience and my token of free advice for sports job seekers. TeamWork Online skateboard an online job board/applicant system that assists in recruiting for sports organizations. It's quite simple how this website is successful with matching candidates to sports jobs and also assisting with upcoming career fairs in cities that are near you. The website covers a variety of companies and organizations from Comcast to the Atlantic Falcons to Women's Pro Soccer to Fathead and many more. In addition to this website, if you don't know what career best fits your skills, you can use their Career Help skateboard to sample numerous amounts of job descriptions and read about them to help you learn more about what that career retains.

Another essential website is Sports Job Blog which is a new site available to all users that are looking for jobs within sports organizations. The site is completely free and simple to navigate through for anybody. The site is updated each month to keep new and exciting careers open to the public, to view each incoming job click on the recent posts tab. Sports Job Blog has an individual section just for internships not only pertaining to sports but general business, marketing, finance, research and telecommunications as well. Sports Job Blog offers unique job posts that I didn't find browsing through other sports websites. They offer Minor League Baseball, European Football, Wrestling, U.S. Tennis and Professional Skateboarding. There is also a tab for blogs and blogging to read and share comments about sports. From what I read these blogs are about the skills that you need to help you accomplish securing a job in the sport you want to work in.

Finally, to round off my top 3 sports websites is Sports Links Central. This site is more of a sports industry web directory that aims to provide links to official sites in a variety of sports industry categories. Sports Links Central is precisely sport orientated and comprises sport federations, facilities, media, travel, business, education, entertainment, leagues and teams, goods and apparel, and halls of fame links. This site is overwhelming with information and I found myself becoming diverted easily within minutes. Searching for sports jobs can become quite irritating after the first few job sites and the selection of keywords you use in the search engine but with this site you can find a preponderance of sports websites. Another positive spin about this site is the revealing of which websites have no subscription fee required, because people know free is better in most cases.

None of the websites contain bogus information, or jobs, and I highly recommend you check out all three.

Tyquinn Mosby is a contributor to the A website designed by Sport Management students to help others find work in sports. For more details visit the site at

Skateboarding For Professionals - Starting With the Right Gear

Having skateboard perfect skateboard set up is only part of the equation for someone skateboard rides on one professionally. Having the right gear is the other half of making it all come together. Even though these professionals make it seem so easy, there are still at a risk for injuries to occur. Protecting their bodies is a key aspect to being responsible while on a skateboard.

Protecting the head is one of the most essential pieces of gear for a professional skateboarder to have. It needs to fit very well on the front, back, and sides of the head. Additional padding inside can help prevent them from getting sweaty or uncomfortable in there. They need to be using a multiple impact helmet as well. That way they can perform all of their stunts and tricks with the highest level of protection.

The back of the head needs to be covered as well as the front with a skateboarding helmet. Many of them have the technology to absorb energy so even with a serious fall there isn't going to be that much of a risk of injury. Having such a piece of safety equipment on can mean the difference between getting up after a fall and not being able to do so.

Pads for the elbows and the knees are very important as well. They can help protect them from serious injuries. Professional skateboarders realize that if they are hurt they won't be able to compete. Therefore they take every effort to minimize the impact should they not perform their stunts with 100% perfection. Some of them will also wear an ankle brace if it is deemed necessary for them to have additional support.

There are plenty of suits too that professional skateboarders may way. These help to absorb energy and to keep them safe. They come in a variety of colors and designs too which can become a signature for them when they are competing. Their fans will quickly come to recognize certain professionals based upon what they are wearing.

The shoes that a professional skater wear also help them to complete their skills effectively. They must be a good fit with plenty of grip on them. You will find that such professionals even wear certain types of socks in order to maintain the comfort level within their shoes. All of these aspects of their gear come together in order to help them do their very best.

Professional skateboarders are often able to have the right gear for free or a very low price. Since manufactures and promoters know there will be plenty of people in awe of them, they want them to wear their products. That way other people wishing to follow in their footsteps will be very likely to buy it as well. A very common marketing ploy is to get professional skateboarders to endorse such gear. It helps the sales of such items to soar when that professional is doing very well out there with this particular sport.

You will also find that professional skaters continue to change the types of gear that they wear. It is often due to something new and more advanced being offered. In this type of sport, there is plenty of stiff competition. Therefore they need to have every advantage they can get. It may not seem as if their gear could make that much of a difference but all of the professional skateboarders will tell you that it does. They must be comfortable in order to perform well. At the same they have to be safe enough for them to continue attempting more difficult tricks to gain the points to take the lead in the competitions that they enter.

Skateboard wheels play a very important role on skateboards. Because wheels make skateboards move, wheels make skateboarding become a popular sport. There are different kinds and size of skateboard wheels to meet different requirement. is an online skateboards and accessories supplier providing many brands of complete skateboards and accessories.

Getting Back to the Basics With Skateboarding

It is often said that everything old is new again. It takes on new life in younger generations skateboard it can create nostalgia in older generations at the same time. The world of skateboarding has gone to the extremes as professionals push the limits. That has transformed the way in which the common individual goes about learning and performing as well.

However, if you follow the world of skateboarding you may have noticed that many people are getting back to the basics of the sport. Many skills and tricks from the 80's and 90's that faded out of the scene long ago are now being introduced again. Since it is hard to move forward anymore at this point that we have with the sport, taking a long look at some of the steps taken to get there is always refreshing.

Many people refer to this movement as skating old school. That is a term that should be viewed as endearing though instead of in a negative light. The skateboard to really enjoying skateboarding is to be an individual first. This means you take the time to find those moves and tricks that you can relate to. Don't worry about what other people are doing or if they will find your old school moves to be interesting or not. If you like them then by all means perform them.

This is a great way to bring them back to life and to give them a presence again in the world of skateboarding. While the style of what is going on out there varies by location, there are some themes that seem to be spreading all over the place. The fact that as a society many aspects of the 80's and 90's are coming back including stone washed jeans, scarves, and big hair; why not include the elements of the skateboarding movement?

Many of these early moves also have a huge history in them that is part of the evolvement of skateboarding to where it is today. It is in these earlier times that the sport of skateboarding started to have such a huge life that it would always be a part of society from that point forward. Of course there is a huge difference in the quality of skateboarding equipment from that period of time to today and that is something we are all thankful for.

If you are interested in old school moves to perform on your skateboard, there are plenty of videos online. You may not expect that since the internet wasn't huge back in the 80's and 90's. However, the fact that that so many people are reviving life into them means there are updated versions of them being added all the time. A search of YouTube for example will show you hundreds of videos that you can learn from.

Getting back to the basics with skateboarding can be refreshing. If you think you have learned all there is to do with one, then this can offer you a new challenge. Find out what you like about these moves and then use them. You can even make variations of them that are uniquely your own.

If you are looking for some cool tricks and moves to perform on your skateboard, go online and find out more about what was going on in the 80's and 90's. Chances are you will find some moves that you want to take part in. Parents what were once skateboarders as well will find it is neat to see their own children performing some of the same moves that they did in their youth as well.

If you are a fan of loaded dervish skateboard, you can visit There are many brands of skateboards with good prices out there.

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