How to Properly Apply Grip Tape to Your Skateboard

In order skateboard care for your skateboard like you should, you will need to replace the grip tape as needed. The more you use the skateboard the more often you will need to do so. The more aggressively you perform on it the faster it will wear out. When you have worn out grip tape your skateboard isn't going to perform like it should for you. It also isn't going to be as safe as it could be for you to be on it.

There is a certain way that you need to apply grip tape to your skateboard. It isn't doing you any good to do the process if you don't do it properly. Always make sure you have a good quality type skateboard grip tape to use. This can be purchased from sporting goods stores or online. You may have to try a few different brands before you find one you are very happy with. You can read reviews about them online too if you aren't sure which one to try out.

For the best results you want to carefully clean your deck before you apply the new grip tape. If you don't it can end up being uneven due to debris underneath it. Use a clean cloth to gently wipe the deck down. You don't want to use anything harsh that can end up scratching it. The way in which you apply the grip tape for your design is going to affect how long it will last.

Too many skaters get into a rush here and then they have to spend more time redoing it later on. You want to apply it slowly so that you don't have any air bubbles under it. To keep it looking great use a sharp blade to trim the excess from the design. Be careful not to go too deep though or you could end up scarring your deck beneath it.

Make sure you apply pressure to the edges of the grip tape so it won't be coming up in those areas. If you apply the grip tape from the center out to the edges you will find it is much easier to properly apply. While you do want it to look nice, remember that the main purpose is for safety. Therefore you don't need to be too harsh on yourself it the job doesn't come out perfect this time around.

Applying grip tape properly to your skateboard is going to keep you safe on it. You will be able to perform at your very best. The fact that it is affordable means you have no excuse not to keep up with this part of maintaining your skateboard. There are plenty of fun designs and colors of grip tape to select as well. This can make fixing up your skateboard fun. Some people go with the same thing each time while others like to give it a new look. It is up to you how you will take care of your skateboard, but make use the use of grip tape as needed is part of the routine.

It can take time to get good at applying grip tape to your skateboard. Be patient and take all the time you need to complete the process. You will find that the more you do it the faster you become at it. You will also find that the appearance of it becomes more professional with time. If you need help ask a friend with experience or look at some online videos to get a better idea of the process.

A skateboard is constructed by deck, wheels, trucks, bearings and hardware. Each part plays an important role. Skateboard deck is the main part of skateboard which allows skaters stand on and do the performance. Skateboard wheels make skateboard movable. Skateboard trucks made a connection between the wheels and the deck. Each skateboard wheel is mounted on its axle via two ball bearings. Mounting hardware is a set of eight 10-32 bolts which are used to attach the trucks to the board.

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