How Are the Points For Skateboarding Competitions Calculated?

Watching skating competitions can take your breath away. Watching them can become an addiction. When you see the tricks and moves performed in person it is completely different from what you see on TV. You will find that your excitement continues to increase as the different competitors take their turn.

One of the most common questions asked is how are the points for skateboarding competitions calculated. Points are given for a variety of things during the competition. What exactly will be scored depends on the type of event. Some of them depend on the fastest times, others on the longest distance when you are talking about jumps.

When it skateboarding tips to freestyle though it depends on the level of difficulty of the moves performed. The harder they are the more points that can be given by the judges. There is one problem though - if you don't perform those difficult tricks well then you will get less points than someone doing easier ones that they performed well.

This is why you will continue to see professionals pushing the limits of what can be done. They want their routine to be harder than the competition. They also engage in hours and hours of practice to help them get every single aspect of it right. There is always the chance that they won't be able to do so though when it is time to perform.

There are either three or five judges for most skateboarding competitions. They will give a breakdown score of the areas to be evaluated. Then they will give a final score based on them. From there the scores of all the judges are either added up or they are averaged. Then they are compared against each other to see who the winners are.

While the specifics that are evaluated can vary depending on the completion that a person signs up for there are some basic things to pay attention to. There will be more points given for the higher off the ground that the skater is able to go. How many spins or rotations can be done in a single attempt? Three full spins is the max, set by Tony Hawk himself.

Variety is essential too when it comes to scoring. This is because a given skater may have a hard routine, but he is performing the same thing over and over again within it. This is going to significantly reduce the overall points that he or she walks away with from the competition. Mixing it up is where you will continue to pick up more points instead of losing them.

Performing a combination of several tricks at one time though is going to make the crowd go wild. The judges are going to pick up on such smooth moves and allocate additional points as well. All of this has to be taken into consideration for the skater well before the competition if they wish to be properly skateboarding tips for it.

The different elements of skating makes it hard though to always get a fair deal when it comes to points. Even in the professional games there are controversial calls that have to be evaluated. It is hard to swallow when the crowd and the performers believe that the person given the highest scores didn't really earn them. Thankful these are isolated incidents that can bring a dark cloud to linger over such events.

Now that you know how the points for skateboarding competitions are calculated, you can enjoy those events more. You can even start to have a good idea of who is going to come out on top after you have viewed their performance. If you have a desire to compete in such competitions you definitely need to know the formula that is used. That way you can work on your stunts in a manner that will give you the edge over your competition.

Recently, longboard skateboard as a new kind of skateboards become more and more popular in skateboarding world. As a result, there are increasingly manufacturers become produce longboards. Loaded is one of the big brands which provided longboards. You can find loaded longboards in

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